Special Ants Information


Information Sheets on all currently available
Special Ants of The Ants Underground Kingdom

Names in the following chart are linked to the specific Ant Information!


Golden Armor

Melee Melee Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 金甲蚁
:us: English Gold Armor
:cn: 繁體中文 金甲蟻
:de: Deutsch Goldene Panzerameise
:fr: Français Armure d’or
:ru: Русский Золотой Панцирь
:jp: 日本語 ホンウロコアリ
:kr: 한국의 금갑개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة النمل ذو الدرع الذهبي
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Gold Armor
:thailand: ไทย มดด้วงทอง
:tr: Türkçe Altin Zırh
:es: Español Coraza dorada
:it: Italiano Armatura d’oro
:portugal: Português Armadura Dourada
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Mai Vàng
:iran: فارسی سپر طلا

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_BigBite Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Big Bite Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_RampantAttack Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_GoldPalate Skill_Blitzkrieg
Rampant Attack Colony Leader Gold Palate Blitzkrieg


Scientific name: Daceton armigerum
Found in Amazon rain forests in northern South America, it is carnivores. The size of these ants varies between worker and soldier ants, which soldier ant can reach up to 15-17 mm. They don’t hunt in large groups, and often hunt alone. Their diet is very diverse, from a variety of insects to small snails. They can not only tear their prey with strong and powerful teeth, but also sting and inject venom to better break down the prey.


Brown Rogue

Ranged Ranged Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 黄蛛蚁
:us: English Brown Rogue
:cn: 繁體中文 黃蛛蟻
:de: Deutsch Gelbe Ameisenspinne
:fr: Français Myrmaplata plataleoides
:ru: Русский Керенгский Муравей-Прыгун
:jp: 日本語 アゴテングモアリ
:kr: 한국의 베짜기개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة النمل العنكبوتي الأصفر
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Brown Rogue
:thailand: ไทย มดแมงมุมสีเหลือง
:tr: Türkçe Kahverengi Haydut
:es: Español Salticus plataleoides
:it: Italiano Ragno Formica Giallo
:portugal: Português Ladina Marrom
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Nhện Vàng
:iran: فارسی پوزه دراز

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_SurpriseStrike Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Surprise Strike Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_CheapShot Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Clairvoyance Skill_FindWeakness
Cheap Shot Colony Leader Clairvoyance Find Weakness


Scientific name: Myrmarachne plataleoides
It is an animal belonging to the genus Arachnididae, which is distributed in many regions of India, Sri Lanka, China and Southeast Asia. They imitate the Oecophylla smaragdina in shape, but unlike aggressive them, Myrmarachne plataleoides are more cautious in nature and even appear a little timid. They will weave a thin net on the leaves and hide in the net. Ambush the prey underneath.


Bullet Ant

Ranged Ranged Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 子弹猛蚁
:us: English Bullet Ant
:cn: 繁體中文 子彈猛蟻
:de: Deutsch Gewehrkugelameise
:fr: Français Balle
:ru: Русский Свирепый Пуля-Муравей
:jp: 日本語 弾丸アリ
:kr: 한국의 총알개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة نمل الرصاصة
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Bullet Ant
:thailand: ไทย มดกระสุน
:tr: Türkçe Mermi Karıncası
:es: Español Hormiga bala
:it: Italiano Formica Proiettile
:portugal: Português Formiga-Cabo-Verde
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Đạn Khỏe
:iran: فارسی تیرمور

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_RampantAttack Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Rampant Attack Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Blitzkrieg Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_HardenedSkin Skill_WeaknessStrike_
Blitzkrieg Colony Leader Hardened Skin Suppressing Attack


Scientific name: Paraponera clavata
Found in most of the central and northern South America, it inhabits the jungle and has a body length of at least 20 mm. It’s thought to be the most aggressive ant species. They have rapid biting mandibles which will sting and inject erosive venom. It’s not an exaggeration that once stung, you will feel like you were hit by a bullet. Many local, primitive tribes still retain the ritual of being stung by Bullet Ants to prove their courage. As they are omnivorous, they hunt insects and collect honeydew. They usually have a fixed territory and do not leave that piece of land.


Driver Ant

Support Support Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 驾驶员行军蚁
:us: English Driver Ant
:cn: 繁體中文 駕駛員行軍蟻
:de: Deutsch Driver-Ameise
:fr: Français Magnan
:ru: Русский Муравей Пилот
:jp: 日本語 サスライアリ
:kr: 한국의 장님개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة النمل السائق
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Driver Ant
:thailand: ไทย มดขับ
:tr: Türkçe Sürücü Karınca
:es: Español Conductora
:it: Italiano Formica Driver
:portugal: Português Formiga-Safári
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Hành Quân Phi Công
:iran: فارسی شکارچی کور

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Blitzkrieg Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Blitzkrieg Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_SharpTearing Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_HardenedSkin Skill_WeaknessStrike
Sharp Tearing Colony Leader Hardened Skin Weakness Strike


Scientific name: Dorylus driver
It is one of the most famous army ants in the world, with huge colonies, often numbering in the millions, and even tens of millions of driver army ants. The driver army ants have no eyes and rely on the secretion of pheromones to control their direction of travel. All creatures in their path can become their prey, with thousands of them overwhelming their enemies in a flash.


Giant Tooth

Support Support Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 巨齿猛蚁
:us: English Giant Tooth
:cn: 繁體中文 巨齒猛蟻
:de: Deutsch Riesenzahn-Wildameise
:fr: Français Dent gros
:ru: Русский Гигантский Зубчатый Муравей
:jp: 日本語 オオアギトアリ
:kr: 한국의 거대이빨 침개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة النمل ذو السن الكبيرة
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Giant Tooth
:thailand: ไทย มดเขียวยักษ์
:tr: Türkçe Dev Diş
:es: Español Diente gigante
:it: Italiano Dente gigante
:portugal: Português Dente Gigante
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Răng Lớn Khỏe
:iran: فارسی دندان شانه ای

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_WeaknessStrike_ Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Weakness Strike Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_WeaknessStrike Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_BoostMorale Skill_BigBite
Disabling Attack Colony Leader Boost Morale Big Bite


Scientific name: Odontomachus coquereli
Mostly found in the African part of Madagascar, It’s usually about 12 mm in length. They have two saw-shaped teeth and a mandible which can stretch 180 degrees when fully opened. Also, their mouth can be fixed in an open position due to the unique internal structure where they have a pair of antennas for sensing. When prey touches these antennas, their mouth closes immediately. Fast and powerful, it can cripple or even kill the prey instantly. At the same time, they can also use airflow generated by the rapid closure of the mouth to bounce themselves to avoid being attacked or get rid of enemies chasing them.


Golden Spiny

Ranged Ranged Hunt Hunt

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 橙色多刺蚁
:us: English Golden Spiny
:cn: 繁體中文 橙色多刺蟻
:de: Deutsch Orange stachelige Ameise
:fr: Français Épine orange
:ru: Русский Оранжевый Колючий Муравей
:jp: 日本語 オレンジトゲアリ
:kr: 한국의 주황색 가시개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة العصوي الذهبي
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Golden Spiny
:thailand: ไทย มดหนามสีส้ม
:tr: Türkçe Altın Dikenli
:es: Español Espinoza dorada
:it: Italiano Spinoso Dorato
:portugal: Português Espinhosa Dourada
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Gai Cam
:iran: فارسی دم حنایی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_BigBite Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Big Bite Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_PiercingAttack Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_WarningColoration Skill_Ambush
Piercing Attack Colony Leader Warning Coloration Ambush


Scientific name: Polyrhachis trapezoidea
Commonly found in Australia’s open Eucalyptus forests and savanna woodlands, it nests underground and is 8-9.5 mm in size, with a soft golden to orange-red fleece covering its back. The edges have symmetrical spine-like carapace protruding from them, and the outer carapace is hard and is a good defense against external enemies.

Golden Sugar

Ranged Ranged Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 黑金弓背蚁
:us: English Golden Sugar
:cn: 繁體中文 黑金弓背蟻
:de: Deutsch Schwarzgoldene Rossameise
:fr: Français Fourmi à Sucre doré
:ru: Русский ЗолотокольцЫЙ Изогнутый Муравей
:jp: 日本語 ゴールデンオオア リ
:kr: 한국의 흑금 왕개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة العصوي الذهبي
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Golden Sugar
:thailand: ไทย มดหนามสีส้ม
:tr: Türkçe Altın Dikenli
:es: Español Espinoza dorada
:it: Italiano Spinoso Dorato
:portugal: Português Espinhosa Dourada
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Gai Cam
:iran: فارسی تیرانداز طلایی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_BigBite Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Big Bite Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_PiercingAttack Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_SpikedShell Skill_ComboStrikes
Piercing Strike Colony Leader Spiked Shell Combo Strikes


Scientific name: Camponotus sericeiventris
It is widely distributed, from central South America to the southern United States. The size is huge, reaching 15-16,5 mm. The color of the overall body surface is black, showing a rough texture. The tail abdomen and the chest back usually grow fine golden hairs, which shines brightly under the light. When attacking, the buttocks are lifted from underneath and formic acid is sprayed, but this is usually not used in hunting.

Jack Jumper

Ranged Ranged Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 杰克跳蚁
:us: English Jack Jumper
:cn: 繁體中文 傑克跳蟻
:de: Deutsch Jack-Jumper-Ameise
:fr: Français Jack jumper
:ru: Русский Джек Муравей-Скакун
:jp: 日本語 ジャックジャンパーアリ
:kr: 한국의 잭점퍼개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة نمل الرصاصة
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Jack Jumper
:thailand: ไทย มดแจ็คกระโดด
:tr: Türkçe Zıplayan Jack
:es: Español Saltarina
:it: Italiano Formica Saltatrice
:portugal: Português Jack Jumper
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Nhảy Jack
:iran: فارسی مخملی پرنده

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_RampantAttack Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Rampant Attack Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_JumpingAttack Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_BodyAdvantage Skill_Blitzkrieg
Jumping Attack Colony Leader Body Advantage Blitzkrieg


Scientific name: Myrmecia pilosula
It also known as Velvet Ant but more widely known as “Jack Jumper Ant”. It’s the scariest ant species on the Australian continent. They are very large and can reach 12-14 mm. They have venomous stings that contain a neurotoxin. Some have allergic reactions and their lives may be in danger when exposed to this neurotoxin. They mainly feed on small insects which they hunt by injecting venom, and they also gather honeydew. They have the best jumping ability among all the ants in the world, and their strong hind legs effectively increase the success rate of hunting.

Slim Arched

Melee Melee Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 竹节弓背蚁
:us: English Slim Arched
:cn: 繁體中文 竹節弓背蟻
:de: Deutsch Stab-Rossameise
:fr: Français Nœud de bambou
:ru: Русский Бамбуковый Изогнутый Муравей
:jp: 日本語 竹オオアリ
:kr: 한국의 나뭇가지 왕개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة المقوس النحيف
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Slim Arched
:thailand: ไทย มดต้นไผ่
:tr: Türkçe İnce Kemerli
:es: Español Arqueada delgada
:it: Italiano Snello Arcuato
:portugal: Português Arqueada Magra
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Lưng Còng Tre
:iran: فارسی مبارز آمازونی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Big Bite Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Big Bite Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Blitzkrieg Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Smooth Exterior Skill_Suppressing Attack
Blitzkrieg Colony Leader Smooth Exterior Suppressing Attack


Scientific name: Camponotus mirabilis
It is only found in parts of the northern South America, and is called the ghosts of the Amazon rain forests. Their heads are long and flat, and their bodies are huge, reaching more than 12 mm. They nest in the local bamboo by drilling holes into the bamboo joints while the bamboo is still immature and the surface is not yet hard. As the bamboo grows, these holes form natural nesting chambers. They normally breed aphids in the bamboo joints to gather honeydew as their food, but will occasionally also prey on other insects.

White Velvet

Support Support Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 天鹅绒蚁
:us: English White Velvet
:cn: 繁體中文 天鵝絨蟻
:de: Deutsch Ameisenwespen
:fr: Français Fourmi de velours
:ru: Русский Белый Бархатный Муравей
:jp: 日本語 ベルベットアント アリ
:kr: 한국의 시슬다운 벨벳 개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة النمل المخملي
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia White Velvet
:thailand: ไทย มดกํามะหยี
:tr: Türkçe Beyaz Kadife
:es: Español Terciopelo blanca
:it: Italiano Formica Vellutata Bianca
:portugal: Português Veludo Branco
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Nhung Bông
:iran: فارسی مخمل برفی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Master of Disguise Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Master of Disguise Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Healing Power Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Deadly Toxin Skill_White Guardian
Healing Power Colony Leader Deadly Toxin White Guardian


Scientific name: Dasymutilla gloriosa
It is a kind of ant bee with white fluff, which can be found in some southern states of the United States and even Mexico. White Velvet ants are highly venomous and masters of camouflage. They can enhance their survival by disguising themselves as fluffy seeds of shrubs.

Crimson Fragger

Ranged Ranged Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 血红弓背蚁
:us: English Crimson Fragger
:cn: 繁體中文 血紅弓背蟻
:de: Deutsch Rotrücken-Rossameise
:fr: Français Couleur de rouille
:ru: Русский Кампонотус Хромаиодес
:jp: 日本語 クリムゾンフラッ ガーアリ
:kr: 한국의 핏빛 왕개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة النمل المقوس
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Crimson Fragger
:thailand: ไทย มดคันธนูสีแดง
:tr: Türkçe Kızıl Parçalayıcı
:es: Español Punta de lanza carmesí
:it: Italiano Carpentiere Rosso-Nero
:portugal: Português Matadora Carmesim
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Lưng Còng Đỏ Huyết
:iran: فارسی سرخمور

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_PiercingAttack Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Piercing Attack Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_DoubleHit Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_AdequatePreparation Skill_BloodyShell
Double Hit Colony Leader Bloody Shell Adequate Preparation


Scientific name: Camponotus chromaiodes
Lives in forested areas at lower elevations and builds nests in decaying wood (both logs and stumps) that extend all the way to the ground.

Dusky Lurker

Support Support Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 黑甲弓背蚁
:us: English Dusky Lurker
:cn: 繁體中文 黑甲弓背蟻
:de: Deutsch Schwarzpanzer-Rossameise
:fr: Français Camponotus Uganda
:ru: Русский Кампонотус Уганда
:jp: 日本語 ダスキーラッカー アリ
:kr: 한국의 검은 갑옷 왕개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة الأسود المدرع
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Dusky Lurker
:thailand: ไทย มดคันธนูหุ้มเกราะดํา
:tr: Türkçe Gizemli Pusu Kuran
:es: Español Acechadora oscura
:it: Italiano Apostatore nelle Tenebre
:portugal: Português Espreitadora Escura
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Lưng Còng Đen
:iran: فارسی کمینگر تاریکی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Sneak Attack Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Sneak Attack Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Applying Tactics Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Matt Shell Skill_True Leader
Applying Tactics Colony Leader Matt Shell True Leader


This Special Ant is very mysterious, and no more information has been disclosed so far.

Ruby Slender

Melee Melee Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 红细蚁
:us: English Ruby Slender
:cn: 繁體中文 紅細蟻
:de: Deutsch Rote schlanke Ameise
:fr: Français Mordax
:ru: Русский Гнамптогенис Мордакс
:jp: 日本語 ルビースレンダー アリ
:kr: 한국의 붉은 가늘 개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة الأحمر النحيل
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Ruby Slender
:thailand: ไทย มดแดงละเอียด
:tr: Türkçe İnce Yakut
:es: Español Enjuta Rubí
:it: Italiano Formica Snella Rubino
:portugal: Português Rubi Magra
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Đỏ
:iran: فارسی قیطانی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Revenge Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Revenge Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Self Adjusting Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Fighting Posture Skill_Warfare Leadership
Self Adjusting Colony Leader Fighting Posture Warfare Leadership


Scientific name: Gnamptogenys mordax
Nests are usually on the ground in rotting wood or litter. It is the type of ant with a beautiful red shell.

Crimson Pearl

Ranged Ranged Universal Universal

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 红蛛蚁
:us: English Crimson Pearl
:cn: 繁體中文 紅蛛蟻
:de: Deutsch Rote Ameisenspinne
:fr: Français Fourmi Rouge
:ru: Русский Красный Муравей-Паук
:jp: 日本語 赤アリグモ
:kr: 한국의 붉은개미거미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة نملة العنكبوت الحمراء
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Crimson Pearl
:thailand: ไทย มดแมงมุมสีแดง
:tr: Türkçe Crimson Pearl
:es: Español Perla carmesí
:it: Italiano Ragno Formica Rosso
:portugal: Português Aranha Formiga
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Nhện Đỏ
:iran: فارسی تیرانداز سرخ

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Brutal Combos Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Brutal Combos Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Parasitic Stinger Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Matt Shell Skill_Variable Mimics
Parasitic Stinger Colony Leader Matt Shell Variable Mimics


Scientific name: Myrmarachne sp
A creature of a species of Myrmarachne (the same as Brown Rogue) of the Salticidae family and can be found in south Asia and Southeast Asia. Mimic is their natural skill.

Atta Sexdens

Ranged Ranged Guardian Guardian

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 刺甲切叶蚁
:us: English Atta sexdens
:cn: 繁體中文 刺甲切葉蟻
:de: Deutsch Atta sexdens
:fr: Français Atta épineux
:ru: Русский Колючий Муравей Листорез
:jp: 日本語 ヒリハキリアリ
:kr: 한국의 가시박이잎꾼개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة لاذع النمل القاطع الأوراق
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Atta Sexdens
:thailand: ไทย มดตัดใบไม้แทงเกราะ
:tr: Türkçe Atta Sexdens
:es: Español Atta espinoza
:it: Italiano Armatura Aculeata
:portugal: Português Atta Sexdens
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Xén Lá Gai Giáp
:iran: فارسی تیر انداز زنگی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Defensive_Offence Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Defensive Offence Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Jaw_Raid Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Heroic_Brave Skill_Thorn_Assault
Jaw Raid Colony Leader Heroic Brave Thorn Assault


Scientific name: Atta Sexdens
It is a leafcutter ant that lives in South America. Each anthill may contain tens of thousands of individuals, occupying an area of more than 30 square meters. They build complex underground anthills to accommodate high humidity and stable temperatures. They feed on leaves cut and collected from plants. Although they are leafcutter ants, they have strong territorial awareness and garrison habits.

Black Cancer

Melee Melee Guardian Guardian

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 黑蟹蚁蛛
:us: English Black Cancer
:cn: 繁體中文 黑蟹蟻蛛
:de: Deutsch Schwarzer Krebs
:fr: Français Elfe de nuit
:ru: Русский Афантохилус Рогэрси
:jp: 日本語 アファントチルス
:kr: 한국의 흑개미 거미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة عنكبوت النمل الأسود
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Black Cancer
:thailand: ไทย มดแมงมุมปูดํา
:tr: Türkçe Kara Kanser
:es: Español Cancer negro
:it: Italiano Ragno Granchio Mirmecomorfo
:portugal: Português Câncer Negro
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Nhện Kiến Cua Den
:iran: فارسی قاتل سیاه

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Fluid_Leech Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Fluid Leech Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Adamant_Armor Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Audacious_Heart Skill_Warfare_Leadership
Adamant Armor Colony Leader Audacious Heart Warfare Leadership


Scientific name: Aphantochilus rogersi
Found in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Panama. Aphantochilus is a genus of ant-mimicking crab spiders. One of the best species in mimicking ants. Survive by eating ants. Have similar sizes and appearances as ants. It’s one of the main natural predators of local ants.

Dark Hercules

Ranged Ranged Guardian Guardian

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 巨颚蛛蚁
:us: English Dark Hercules
:cn: 繁體中文 巨顎蛛蟻
:de: Deutsch Grosskiefer-Ameisenspringer
:fr: Français Chevalier de Macro-mâchoire
:ru: Русский Муравьиный Паук-Скакун
:jp: 日本語 マーマラチャン・ ジスティアリ
:kr: 한국의 온보개미 거미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة نملة الغابة العملاقة
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Dark Hercules
:thailand: ไทย มดแมงมุมกรามยักษ์
:tr: Türkçe Karanlık Herkül
:es: Español Formicaria
:it: Italiano Mandibole Giganti
:portugal: Português Hécules Sombrio
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Nhện Hàm Lớn
:iran: فارسی هرکول سیاه

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Fatal Bite Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Fatal Bite Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Strong Guard Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Fearless Skill_Burning Courage
Strong Guard Colony Leader Fearless Burning Courage


Scientific name: Myrmarachne Gisti
It is the best known of the ant-like spiders. It is widespread, common in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Japan, Bulgaria and mainland China.

Guard General

Melee Melee Guardian Guardian

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 镰刀猛蚁
:us: English Guard General
:cn: 繁體中文 鐮刀猛蟻
:de: Deutsch Sichel-Wildameise
:fr: Français Faucille
:ru: Русский Свирепый Муравей-Жулик
:jp: 日本語 クワガタアリ
:kr: 한국의 낫 침개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة اللواء الحارس
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Guard General
:thailand: ไทย มดเขี้ยวโง้ง
:tr: Türkçe Muhafız Generali
:es: Español General guardiana
:it: Italiano Generale dei Guardiani
:portugal: Português Guarda Geral
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Liềm Khỏe
:iran: فارسی مبارز خنجری

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Lightning Blitzkrieg Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Lightning Blitzkrieg Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Agile Movement Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Ultra Vision Skill_Disabling Combos
Agile Movement Colony Leader Ultra Vision Disabling Combos


Scientific name: Harpegnathos venator
Distributed in eastern India to southern China, and also other Southeast Asian regions. It is very aggressive with fierce temperament. It is large in size, usually up to 12-14 mm in length. They rely solely on hunting other insects for their livelihoods, and are good at jumping hunting. They like to nest underground, the structure of which is complicated.

Hairy Panther

Ranged Ranged Guardian Guardian

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 亮甲猛蚁
:us: English Hairy Panther
:cn: 繁體中文 亮甲猛蟻
:de: Deutsch Glanzpanzer-Wildameise
:fr: Français Panthère poilue
:ru: Русский Яркий Панцирный Муравей
:jp: 日本語 ヘアリーパンサー アント
:kr: 한국의 네오포네라 침개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة نملة النمر المشعر
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Hairy Panther
:thailand: ไทย มดเกราะสดใส
:tr: Türkçe Hairy Panther
:es: Español Hormiga brillante
:it: Italiano Ponerina Villosa
:portugal: Português Formiga-de-fogo
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Giáp Sáng
:iran: فارسی ببری خشن

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Rampage_Strike Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Rampage Strike Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Fury_Swipe Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Bright_Coloration Skill_Fierce_Nature
Fury Swipe Colony Leader Bright Coloration Fierce Nature


Scientific name: Neoponera villosa
It’s widely distributed from the southern part of the US to Argentina. This species is found in a variety of habitats, ranging from lowland forests and tropical rainforests to open grassy areas with a few trees. As a common arboreal ant, it’s very aggressive and often forages in groups, and can also feed on nectar. They are also capable of trapping prey with droplets of liquid such as nectar between their mandibles.