Special Ants Information

Leaf Devourer

Ranged Ranged Guardian Guardian

Evolution Meteorite Transformation

Not Included Yet…

Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 巨型切叶蚁
:us: English Leaf Devourer
:cn: 繁體中文 巨型切葉蟻
:de: Deutsch Riesen-Blattschneiderameise
:fr: Français Atta Grand
:ru: Русский Гигантский Муравей Листорез
:jp: 日本語 オオガタハキリア リ
:kr: 한국의 거대 가위개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة مفترس الأوراق
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia Leaf Devourer
:thailand: ไทย มดตัดใบยักษ์
:tr: Türkçe Yaprak Yutan
:es: Español Devoradora de hojas
:it: Italiano Divoratrice di Foglie
:portugal: Português Devoradora de Folha
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Xén Lá Lớn
:iran: فارسی برگ بر اسبی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Killing_Double_Hit Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Killing Double Hit Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Burning_Courage Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Sawtooth_Plier Skill_Warfare_Leadership
Burning Courage Colony Leader Sawtooth Plier Warfare Leadership


Scientific name: Atta laevigata
It is the largest Leafcutter ant in the world, with a hard shell and sharp teeth. It is also a notorious pest in the area, seriously destroying the growth of crops.