Special Ants Information

White Velvet

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Name in other in Game Languages

Flag Language Name
:cn: 简体中文 天鹅绒蚁
:us: English White Velvet
:cn: 繁體中文 天鵝絨蟻
:de: Deutsch Ameisenwespen
:fr: Français Fourmi de velours
:ru: Русский Белый Бархатный Муравей
:jp: 日本語 ベルベットアント アリ
:kr: 한국의 시슬다운 벨벳 개미
:united_arab_emirates: اَلْعَرَبِيَّة النمل المخملي
:indonesia: Bahasa Indonesia White Velvet
:thailand: ไทย มดกํามะหยี
:tr: Türkçe Beyaz Kadife
:es: Español Terciopelo blanca
:it: Italiano Formica Vellutata Bianca
:portugal: Português Veludo Branco
:vietnam: Tiếng Việt Kiến Nhung Bông
:iran: فارسی مخمل برفی

Special Ant Skills

Skill_Dominanz III Skill_Master of Disguise Skill_TertiaryDefense Skill_Tertiary Attack
Dominance III Master of Disguise Tertiary Defense Tertiary Attack
Skill_Healing Power Skill_ColonyLeader Skill_Deadly Toxin Skill_White Guardian
Healing Power Colony Leader Deadly Toxin White Guardian


Scientific name: Dasymutilla gloriosa
It is a kind of ant bee with white fluff, which can be found in some southern states of the United States and even Mexico. White Velvet ants are highly venomous and masters of camouflage. They can enhance their survival by disguising themselves as fluffy seeds of shrubs.