[Record Post] S590, SOH, Blitzkrieg, Batch 7, SL 313


SOH is off of Barren Land and back on the original map. We had a great first experience with the new island, and we look forward to repeating our success in a couple weeks when we go back. Everyone is enjoying the rewards and new skins we got from winning the event.

We have had a lot of players leave, and new ones that have entered the alliance. We are now recruiting new members to go on the next trip with us. Some of the players we received were in an enemy alliance in the opposite faction on the last Barren event. Others brought accounts that were in our faction on the island. With a lot of new faces, SOH is getting stronger by the day.

Right now, we are finalizing our recruits, gaining resources, adjusting member ranks, and coming up with an initial plan for the next Barren event. We just hope that the new alliances that we will be paired with will be as easy to work with as RGA and MIA were in our first event. We were able to dominate Barren with the strategy and strength of our faction, and we hope to be able to do the same in the coming event.

We need to be prepared as far as resources that became a problem for many members in the alliance last time. So, we will spend the coming days collecting and farming as many as we can before we leave. We are also trying to gain as many healing speedups as possible. Barren is not an easy event, but with the new members we have, we feel that we have all the power we need to have another successful experience.

Barren Land, SOH will see you again soon!

Click Here for the Previous Barren Land Posts


Looking forward to BL, let’s hope we’re matched with cooperative alliances in our camp!


Fue genial haber ganado el primer Barren Lands. Era un evento tan misterioso e incierto para todos…Pero finalmente todo salió bien
Quiero darle la bienvenida a los jugadores de YRS, Oog, PRO y RGA que acaban de llegar. Estamos muy contentos con su llegada a la alianza y espero que se sientan muy cómodos aquí
Estoy muy emocionado y ansioso. Con este equipo que hemos formado, las expectativas para el próximo Barren Lands son muy altas. Estoy seguro de que daremos otra gran batalla para seguir forjando la historia de SOH!!!



SOH is out of the matchmaking period, and we finally know who our allies and opponents will be for the next Barren Land event.

We have a lot of new faces in SOH this time, and some of them have friends in one of the alliances in our faction from a previous server. It always helps when you know some of the people you will be working with, and I think this will be important going forward for our communication and strategy.

As you can see in the picture above, our faction was paired with three Japanese alliances. We hope that this will translate to a similar protection time for the enemy faction as on our last Barren Land event. The ideal protection time for our camp would be 8UTC to 16UTC, as it seems most of our faction will be most active after reset. We are hoping that the enemy faction will choose 0UTC to 8UTC as their protection time. These two times of protection for the camps seemed to benefit us on the last Barren Land, and we are hoping that they will be the same this time around.

SOH chose the middle yellow zone as our initial starting point. We will be working hand in hand with Sto in a battle for the south. OFS has chosen the top purple zone to try and hold the north.

We have started a discord channel for our faction to be able to communicate easier. We will be working with all the R4s and R5s to come up with an initial strategy for the event. SOH is looking forward to working with Sto and OFS to hopefully dominate this Barren Land.

In less than 3 days, we will be leaving to start our new adventure. We will continue to use this time to stock up on resources and make final adjustments within our alliance. We will also be working close with the other alliances to have a better experience once we get there. Barren Land is not an easy event, but I’m confident that if our three alliances can work together we will come out on top.

More updates to come…


Preparados estamos para esta aventura… sabemos que no será fácil, pero el compromiso y la unión que tenemos en SOH, logrará un gran desempeño durante el evento, Arriba los valientes!


Un nuevo desafío japonés se nos presenta. Sin embargo, SOH está más que preparado para enfrentar a los rivales que se nos presentan. Daremos lo mejor de cada uno de nosotros para que sea otro buen Barren Lands!!! Confío en este maravilloso equipo que hemos formado



The first week on Barren Land has been very interesting so far. While all three alliances were happy to finally be off the original map, there has been a lot of tension in my faction over the protection time for the event.

It all started with us creating a discord channel for Wreck Camp. All three alliances were trying to work together to come up with a protection time that was suitable for us. Sto wanted to make a deal with Stone Camp, because of a prior experience with one of the alliances that they were allies with on a past Lost Island event. Their idea was to pick the same time of 0 to 8UTC as the enemy faction to have a full 16 hours of fighting time. However, this protection time was not suitable for either SOH or OFS, as this is the most active time for both alliances. Sto is mainly European, and they have a most active time of 16 to 24UTC.

We all tried to work together to come up with a comprise, so that none of the alliances would be blocked during their most active time periods. Wreck Camp chose to make the protection time 8 to 16UTC, which seemed like the logical time frame for all three alliances. Stone Camp then chose 16 to 24UTC as theirs. Even with the enemy chosing a different protection time, we felt that this solution was the right choice for two reasons: 1) None of the alliances would be blocked during their respective most active times. 2) We will have an 8 hour window of fighting, so all the alliances will know exactly when they will be needed and can focus on that specific time period.

This decision seemed to have a ripple effect, and Sto seems to be upset with SOH and OFS that we didn’t put trust in the enemy faction and create a 16 hour fighting window. They have gone silent in both the discord and camp chat on the game.

SOH, OFS, and Sto have made progress with building towers and taking buildings.

SOH has allowed OFS to build in our territory to give them emergency access to the south if needed later in the event.

We hope that the tension can be resolved, and that Wreck Camp can work together to fight Stone Camp in the coming weeks of the event. We feel that we have a strong team, and we will be able to defeat the enemy if we can get past the tension created during the first week. There is still a long time to go on Barren Land, and we hope that the bond and cooperation can be restored for our faction.

For now, we will keep creating towers and taking buildings to get buffs. We are anticipating a long, hard event as our enemy is strong. SOH will continue to try and work with OFS and Sto to come up with a plan for the weeks ahead. Everyone wants to win, and we hope that this common goal will be enough to hold our faction together.

More updates to come…


Muy buen trabajo Blitz! Un nuevo Barren Lands empieza y quizás no de la mejor manera. PERO estoy seguro de que todo el campamento logrará trabajar en equipo para dar lo mejor de sí en contra del campamento enemigo
Vamos campamento rojo!!!

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Definitivamente este evento será muy interesante, tenemos buenos aliados, y si bien las cosas no empezaron con el escenario perfecto, creo que podremos desenvolvernos durrante las batallas!

Muy buena redacción con el paso a paso de cada desición que hemos ido tomando!

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The first wars have finally started on Barren Land. SOH and Sto have been very active in the open southern zone building towers. Sto has allowed SOH to build through their initial starting zone, and both alliances have now entered into the open area to protect the southern Wonder.

Both SOH and Sto have build across as far as we could in an effort to stop the LaP and WQ2 advances in this area. Yesterday at reset, we had our first taste of war on Barren Land.



SOH worked very hard to build straight to the WQ2 towers in the top of the Southern zone, and destroyed the towers that they were trying to build to both the Wonder and towards our ally, Sto. WQ2 eventually withdrew and gave up on the fight against our overwhelming numbers. We implemented a new tactic by removing all our anthill skins and stars to intimidate and make it harder for the enemy to spot our strongest fighters during battle.

Sto built straight across to the LaP towers a little further south in the same zone. Even though it was not a very active time for their alliance, they were also able to push back LaP to the ferry where the enemy is now trying to build a stronghold and pushing further south.

There has not been any action in the northern zone for OFS yet; however, the towers of OFS and JPC are getting closer together by the day. They will be joining the war very soon near the northern Wonder in the far north zone that we like to call Area 51. We hope that OFS will have success in holding off JPC, because it may be a while before either SOH or Sto can make it that far north.



All three alliances have been working hard making towers and taking buildings along the way to our current destinations. With the first wars starting to break out, it signals that it is time to work together and defeat the enemy as early as possible in this long battle for the Wonders. We still believe that SOH, OFS, and Sto can come together and have a real chance of winning this event. WQ2, LaP, and JPC are some tough alliances with a lot of whales; but, we believe that if we work together, we can come out on top.


La guerra acaba de empezar, pero la primera impresión es muy buena para nuestro equipo. A pesar de que los enemigos son fuertes, han cedido extrañamente ante nuestro avance. Me pregunto qué tendrán planeado para esta noche. En cualquier caso estaremos preparados para lo que venga!!!



War has plagued the map in the third week on Barren Land. The battles have been constant, and every alliance has used all of their healing fungi nightly. It was an eventful week, and the Wreck Camp has made a lot of progress in the Southern Clash Zone against Stone Camp.

SOH and Sto have been hard at work trying to clear LaP and WQ2 from the southern zone and stop them from making progress towards the Wonder. The battles have been intense, but both alliances have done a great job.

The first night, SOH had a battle with WQ2. Sto was battling LaP. Our faction was victorious in both of these head on battles, and were able to push the enemy back. Sto was able to take the Wonder in the Southern Clash Zone. The following day, SOH was able to take the Wonder in the shared Wreck Camp Zone.

The second night, SOH was being double teamed by both WQ2 and LaP from two different sides. We were able to hold our own by focusing first on WQ2, then moving to deal with LaP who was attacking at the same time. Meanwhile, Sto was providing a distraction to ease the force of LaP while we kept focus on WQ2. Eventually, both enemies withdrew and we were able to destroy towers without much resistance.



Our next objective is to clear the remaining WQ2 towers from the zone, and hold both the alliances in their initial starting zones. LaP lost their remaining ground in yesterday’s battles, and have been cornered in their starting zone already. Tonight we will focus on doing the same to WQ2.

In the far North Clash Zone, OFS has been struggling against JPC which seems to be the strongest enemy alliance on this Barren Land. Unfortunately, they were not able to hold them back, and JPC was able to take the Northern Wonder. OFS has been fighting hard, but the pure strength of JPC would be overwhelming for any alliance alone.

OFS is now focusing on taking buildings in the northern zone to gain buffs for the many battles to come. SOH and Sto will start building north to help against JPC once the southern zone has been eradicated of WQ2 and LaP. We already have some towers started, but there is still time before we can enter the Northern Clash Zone through the tunnels.

This Barren has had a lot more battles so far compared to the last one. We had problems between our allies to start the event, but we hope that we can get past that and work together to win. SOH, OFS, and Sto have been doing a great job against WQ2, LaP, and JPC. We need to continue to work together against a strong enemy, especially with JPC.

More updates to come…



It has been another hard week on Barren Land. All the alliances have constantly been fighting and running out of healing fungi on a daily basis. So far, the south has been completely dominated by the Wreck Camp. We have been able to hold off the enemy in this zone.

Over the last week, SOH, OFS, and Sto have built into the northern zone to try and compete for the Northern Wonder. After many days and nights in battle, we have been unsuccessful against a strong enemy faction.

As you can see, all three alliances have battled for towers in an effort to make it to the Northern Wonder. The problem we ran into was the slow progress of Sto to make it this zone to help us. Outnumbered 3 to 2, SOH and OFS were not able to hold off JPS, LaP, and WQ2. While we fought relentlessly, the enemy alliances were simply too strong to defeat on a 3 vs 2 battle. While we made good initial progress, the Northern Clash Zone Wonder was taken by WQ2, and JPS and LaP have built huge barriers around it that seems nearly impossible to get through.


After 2 days of battle


With SOH, OFS, and Sto all but eliminated from the Northern Clash Zone, we are currently deciding if it is worth it to keep fighting for this area of the map. Unfortunately, we have no time to build up enough fungi to heal completely and compete. We are thinking that at this point, it might be better to hold the ground we have in the Southern Clash Zone, and save our resources and fungi to fight in the Tree Zone once it opens.

While the wars are not over, we will continue to build our fungi and watch for the enemy to try and take the Southern Clash Zone. Our faction will continue to evaluate the situation on this Barren Land, and adjust our plans accordingly. We still have some time before the Tree Zone opens, and we want to be ready for another huge battle in this area. We just hope our three alliances can continue to work together and make significant progress once this area of the map opens.


Hemos sufrido una dura derrota en el norte. Veremos qué podemos hacer en los siguientes días para revertir esta situación desfavorable
Pero como líder no tengo más que sentimientos de orgullo para con mis queridos camaradas de SOH. Realmente, al igual que en el evento anterior, lo han dado todo con una voluntad inquebrantable y difícil de igualar. ¡Nuestro fuego continúa danzando incluso en las horas más oscuras!



This week the Tree Zone opened up, and all the alliances were quick to build into the new area. SOH, OFS, and Sto tried to take the tunnels and build towers in the Southeast as fast as possible to get ahead of the inevitable threat of the enemy faction. JPC and LaP built from the Southwest while WQ2 built down from the North.

All the factions eventually met in the Southern part of the Tree Zone and war began. OFS was the farthest north, so they tried to hold off WQ2. Sto battled with LaP in the Southern part of the zone. SOH was fighting with the largest enemy in the event, JPC. All three alliances fought hard in an intense battle for towers in an effort to make it to the Tree.

Unfortunately, the war in the Tree Zone did not go well for Wreck Camp, and the enemy was successful in holding and pushing our alliances back. The enemy faction is very strong, and it seems that OFS and Sto have all but given up in the Tree Zone. SOH, however, will not go down without a fight! The spirit of SOH and the amazing members have continued to battle nightly against a very strong Stone Camp. Every member is currently giving their all to hold off JPC from making further south. It is a repetitive cycle of holding our towers until our fungi is depleted. Just tonight, SOH tried to take back a Residence from JPC while protecting our tower from being destroyed. We were unsuccessful, but the determination and persistence of SOH is admirable.

We know that the event is lost at this point. Without the help of OFS and Sto, there is no way to win this Barren Land. JPC, LaP, and WQ2 have worked together very well in defeating Wreck Camp in the Northern Zone and in Tree Zone so far. Sadly, JPC is too overpowered of an alliance for anyone in this Barren Land, and I honestly don’t think they should have been paired with us. SOH will continue to fight and try to do as much damage possible to the enemies, but we do not have the fungi or power to take on such a strong alliance. The objective now is to keep Stone Camp from entering the Southern Zone, and slowly protect our remaining towers in the Tree Zone from being destroyed.

I would like to thank each and every member in SOH for all the sacrifice and effort they have put in over the last few weeks. This event has been hard on everyone, but the persistence and determination we showed during our time here does not go unappreciated, and it is what sets us apart from other alliances. Every member is valued and respected. SOH is a family, and the bond we have is very strong. While we won’t win this Barren Land, I know that we will be successful in the next.

More updates to come!



With less than a day left on Barren Land, we have accepted our loss and look towards the next event. SOH, OFS, and Sto did all we could to fight against a strong enemy faction. While we have lost a lot in certain areas of the map, I think we have done a great job holding our own in others.

Above is how the event ended at the end of the competition period yesterday at reset. While the North was lost, we were able to hold the South from JPC who was trying very hard to access that area.

While we have lost the event, there have been many great feats that were accomplished. We held a very strong enemy faction out of the Southern zones. We fought vigilantly, even against extreme odds. SOH proved to have a strong fighting spirit and the ability to work together no matter how hard the challenge might be. We have great communication, and members that listen to leadership very well. While OFS and Sto seemed to have given up early in the late stage of the event, SOH showed that it won’t give up, even against impossible odds. We fought well against WQ2 and LaP; however, JPC proved too strong for any of the alliances in this event. They alone seemed to be the downfall for the faction.

Now that the event is ending, we are looking forward to getting back to the server and planning for the next event. SOH has already started recruiting for the new spots that will open once the crossserver convocation starts. We are excited to get a fresh start in a new event. We hope that this time there will be alliances that we can work with closely and achieve what we did on our first Barren Land event.

Long live SOH!!!