Successful Leadership - The Complete Guide Series

Successful Leadership - The Complete Guide Series

Successful Leadership - The The Complete Guide will cover a wide variety of topics in order to understand how important leadership truly is.

Having the knowledge provided in this guide will not only grow your alliance in power and skill but also allow growth throughout the entire game. Successful Leadership will reach those around you and grow a closer community for an overall better gaming experience as well, how awesome is that!

Some of the topics we will explore;

  • What Is Leadership?
  • Leadership Qualities
  • Leadership Roles
  • Organization
  • Coordination
  • Communication
  • Discipline
  • Alliance style - Competitive vs Casual
  • Goals


What is Leadership?


Leadership is a group of individuals that have come together with the same goals and mindsets in order to guide an alliance to constant progression and continual forward momentum.

This means that leadership should be constantly looking out for the alliance and choosing the best course of action to benefit everyone. Being able to guide members isn’t as easy as it seems, It requires effort!

You might be wondering why it takes so much effort to lead a successful alliance, this is because every member of the alliance is important. In order to be successful with guiding each individual in the alliance, leadership will need to be in constant communication with all of it’s members and that takes time and effort!. Leading an alliance requires everyone in leadership to be on the same page, that way a stable alliance structure can be built. Once a stable structure is built, the coordination, organization, positive discipline and an overall direction of where the alliance is headed can be established.


To be continued…


Can’t wait for part 2!


I like that this has a section at the end for casual/competitive alliance styles because a leadership’s desired play style for their team will largely affect the amount of AND type of effort & communication they have with the rest of their members.


Can’t wait to see the read of the guide :innocent:


Leadership Qualities Part 1

Prepare your stamina! Grab some leaf and some honeydew because this section is going to be a doozy!

In this section of the guide we will be covering the qualities to which members of leadership should have to be successful, as well as roles and which qualities to look for to find members to manage each role.

Whether you’re starting an alliance or your alliance is looking to promote new leadership, there’s specific qualities that should be looked for. Now depending on the type of alliance that is being sought after, leadership qualities may differ but we will dive into Competitive Style Vs. Casual Style in another section of the guide.

So lets dive right into it!
Qualities of Leaders;

Leadership Activity

Whether an alliance is Competitive or Casual, activity plays a massive role in a successful alliance. However, when it comes to leadership, activity means different things. Having active leadership does NOT mean just logging on, doing daily tasks and talking in Alliance Chat. Every single member from R1 to R5 can do those sort of things. While being active is a broader quality then the other qualities we will discuss in this section of the guide, it’s incredibly important to have active leadership. Keep in mind, being in leadership means leading!

So what does active leadership look like?
Being active leadership means not only being active in Alliance Chat but also looking out for the alliance. Looking out for the alliance can be done by;


  • Being active in alliance chat.
  • Participating in strategy discussions.
  • Checking on Alliance Members.
  • Teaching
  • Placing towers while on the Islands.
  • Pathing while on the Islands.
  • Making sure all Alliance Members are receiving their rewards while on the Islands.
  • Keeping things organized.
  • Communicating with other leadership.
  • Diplomacy
  • Keeping Alliance Members engaged.
  • Communicating daily activities with the Alliance and keeping them informed.
  • Collecting information.
  • Recruiting.
  • Coming up with ideas and moving the alliance forward in progression.
  • Making decisions.


Looks like a lot, doesn’t it?

Leadership is not easy, it takes a serious amount of time and effort to be successful in it. That being said, that’s why there are multiple leadership positions in each alliance. Everyone in a leadership position needs to be helping out, and doing their part in maintaining and growing the alliance.

Having a leader just holding the position and not doing anything, not only makes things harder for the rest of leadership, but also damages moral for the entire alliance.

*Note: It’s perfectly okay to step down if you do not have time for leadership responsibilities.

When looking to add members to the leadership ranks, keep an eye out for these kinds of activities. Members will show these kinds of qualities in time and leadership should nurture these kinds of behaviors.

Next week…
(Strategic Mindset)


Ain’t nobody got time for that!


Leadership Qualities Part 2

Strategic Mindset

Welcome to the Strategic Mindset portion of Leadership Qualities! In this section we will discuss what it means to have a strategic mindset.

You’re probably wondering why Strategic Mindset is in red right? Well that’s because this particular leadership quality leans more towards the competitive style of leadership!

What is a Strategic Mindset?
A strategic mindset is one that excels in strategies. This means a variety of different things such as;
*Note: Please click on each topic to reveal details

Tower Mapping

The process of marking towers in a strategic way that moves the alliance forward with the least amount of clay used possible. In this way, the alliance can reach fortresses in the shortest amount of time. Tower mapping can also be placing markers for towers to be set down in strategic defensive or offensive positions. Someone who excels in tower mapping can potentially win a fight strictly on the fact that the alliance can have a much better position/footing than the opposing alliances.

Battle Strategies

Battle strategies play a crucial role in winning. Whether it be in Alliance Expedition, Lost Island, Barren Lands or even small skirmishes. Battle strategies involve planning out the movement of the alliance. People who excel in battle strategies will watch opponents carefully and work with Tower Mappers to move the alliance in the most defensive or offensive positions possible.

Battle strategies also consist of fighting strategies such as timing rallies, timed singles, rotating fighters, setting rally leaders, coordinating and organizing fights and fortress captures and even highlighting priority targets. People with this quality will also take the time to prepare the alliance for upcoming fights when it comes to saving stamina and resources. There can be quite a lot that goes into battle strategies. This particular role in leadership will most likely be one of the few that burn out the quickest on the game, having multiple people with this type of mindset will help resolve that issue.

Reward Management

Reward management includes managing time zones and planning out fortress captures and towers to accommodate the entire alliance so that everyone on all time zones can receive all of their rewards and achievements. This can be quite difficult as it requires leadership to be communicating with all members to make sure that everyone is getting as many rewards as possible. Having someone that excels at this is the bread and butter to successfully keep the alliance together and moving forward.

Typically leadership that excels in reward management will gather all information on alliance members like time zones, resource inventories and how players are doing. Because this role handles everyone rewards and achievements, it typically takes the brunt of complaints and frustration amongst members, because of that this particular role in leadership will most likely be one of the few that burn out the quickest on the game, having multiple people with this type of mindset will help resolve that issue.


Phew! That was a lot to read!

Now, players don’t need all of those qualities to be considered having a strategic mindset! Just having one will be fine! and lets be real, having multiple members with a mix of those qualities and working together will decrease the amount of stress leadership will have on their shoulders.

This is why Leadership Activity is so crucially important! There is so much that goes into what leadership actually does, especially in a competitive scene. So next time you see any leadership online give them some love! :heart:

Next Week…
(Team Player Mindset)


Fish gif ftw!

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Great article keep the hard work


Wow you must win so many BL


Leadership Qualities Part 3.

Team Player Mindset

This quality plays a major role in keeping the alliance together and working as a cohesive group. Working as a cohesive group is key to winning fights, if you have one person running everything, then nobody is going to know what’s going on except for that one leader, which in a competitive scene can ruin an entire alliance. This is why a solid leadership group should all be on the same page and working closely together to run things.

So lets say that you have one leader strategizing and placing towers, doing diplomacy and moving the alliance in a direction that only that leader knows. How can the alliance move forward if that player is not online?
The answer: The alliance can’t.There will be no progression because there will be no new ideas and no change!

Now this may be a bit controversial, however, lets be real, without a cohesive leadership group that works well together and a leadership group that is all on the same page the alliance will be confused and will have no idea what’s going on the majority of the time!

What is a Team Player?

Team players look out for the entire team. So what does that mean exactly?


Listening to the alliance is a very important piece of being a team player. Listening to the alliance can provide crucial information in terms of strategies, alliance members, recruiting, diplomacy and many other pieces of information that leadership may have not considered.
*Note: Don’t just reach out to the alliance for help if you don’t plan on listening to them on how to improve!

Making decisions as a group

When in leadership, its very important to come together and discuss as a team! Doing this allows for the best decisions with the best outcomes possible. When it comes to a decision that will affect the entire alliance its a great idea to have that conversation with the entire alliance and make the decision as an alliance!

Putting the alliance first

As a leader, it is important to put the alliance first. This means that there is a potential that leaders will be the last one to achieve their rewards on LI/BL. Look out for the alliance! As leadership your job is to make sure the alliance is taken care of!


Supporting alliance member, especially when it comes to them stepping up and showing leadership qualities will ensure the success of the alliance!

Remember, working as a team in leadership is incredibly important! Having one person do everything is a huge detriment to the alliance! When it comes to a casual alliance it’s possible to be succesful with one person leading things. However, in a competitive scene having leadership and even the whole alliance on the same page and all of the leadership doing their part, will keep things coordinated and organized and will help greatly in the success of events.

Next week…
(Knowledge and Teaching)


Another part drops in the masterworks!

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If you weren’t a guppy I’d say you were a leader

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Leadership Qualities Part 4.

Knowledge and Teaching.

When it comes to leadership, having a solid grasp and knowledge of the game is key to helping the alliance grow.

For example:

Special Ants' Range and Skills

Understanding the basics, in terms of Ants’ skill ranges, Skills and what they do and how they can work to make a mutually beneficial line up can be crucial to know in order to teach and grow your alliance. This is a key factor in newer servers and with growing newer players.

Colony Action and SVS Knowledge

Whether you are new to the game or an older player, having knowledge of the best ways to manage Colony Actions and SvS shells is crucial to the forward momentum of growth to individual hills and the over all progression of an alliance.

Battle Tactics

Having solid knowledge of battle tactics is key to winning events. Tactics such as timing rallies on towers, knowing when to hit hills and when not to. Understanding when to manage stamina and knowing how to manage daily rewards along with that. The more knowledge on this topic that an alliance has will boost the chances of winning an event.

Now, having knowledge is one thing, teaching that knowledge to players is on a completely different level!

Teaching players is probably one of the hardest things to do when it comes to leadership. Everyone has different ways of learning and retaining information.

:neutral_face: Some players don’t want to learn at all! :neutral_face:

Leadership needs to be able to understand how to teach in various ways to capture the attention and intrigue of all sorts of players. Remember that teaching players and helping guide them to improve is one of the biggest factors of being leadership!


It’s perfectly ok that some players want to just play FarmVille - The Ants edition…
Finding alliances and players like yourself is key to enjoying this game.
Looking forward the next one Guppy, and the BL reports too!

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Thank you to my leadership team for helping me grow beyond what I thought I was capable of. Thanks to the people that took the time with me to teach. I am so grateful that I paid attention and listened.


This is the way.

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Leadership Roles!

In this section of the guide we will be going over the roles of leadership that will lead to a successful thriving alliance.

Before we start diving into the roles and what they do, lets take a moment to go over how important it is to have all of these roles working together as one solid unit. Having one person such as an R5 running the alliance can be successful early on in the game, but once the events arrive, having a cohesive leadership group that pull their weight is the only way to be successful in the long term growth of the alliance.

So lets dive into the roles!


The Strategist role is meant to manage and develop the fighting strategies, battle planning, training of rally leaders, training of fight tactics, tower placements and over all progression of where the alliance goes in events.


The Organizer is meant to work closely with the strategists to organize fortress captures, organize training, rally leaders, and to keep the alliance organized and cohesive.


The Mentor role is meant to work closely with each individual of the alliance and help guide them to grow. The mentor will also work closely with the conflict management and communicator.

Conflict Management

The Conflict Management role is meant to handle internal conflicts amongst the alliance if/when they occur. This role is NOT meant to be a dictator, its meant to resolve conflicts in the most respectful way possible. However, being stern is sometimes necessary.


The Communicator role is meant to keep the alliance updated on anything and everything. Whether it be tower placement times, fortress capture times, training times, who the rally leaders are, the plans of the alliance. Communication is absolutely one of the most important things an alliance can have.


The Diplomat is key for recruiting and growing the alliance. As well as being a bridge to speak to other alliances while in events. Keep in mind, a diplomat is NOT a lone wolf! The diplomat needs to be sharing absolutely everything with the rest of leadership so that a solid plan can be established on complete knowledge of what’s being said and done.

Something to think about when it comes to these roles, just because someone fits one role doesn’t mean they can’t fit other roles as well! However, having a cohesive group of leaders working together like a well oiled machine is what keep the alliance growing and progressing forward.

One person should NOT be doing all of these roles! Having one person handling all of these roles will result in a huge lack of communication, lack of organization and coordination and frustration among the alliance.


The saga continues!

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Organization is next to Communication as the most important key to having a successful alliance. There are quite a few topics when it comes to organization that we are going to cover in this segment, so let’s dive right into it!

Member Management

Member Management is the act of placing individuals in positions that suit them. Finding their strengths and weaknesses and using those to benefit the alliance. Let’s take Rally Leaders for an example. A rally leader needs to be constantly on alert, watching who joins the rally’s, paying attention to rally times and march times. Organizing who will excel in those type of positions is a type of Member Management.

Let’s take a look at some of the roles that should be organized:

Rally Leaders

Rally Leaders are key fighters when it comes to fighting strategies. Having the right rally leaders can make or break a fight, however rally leaders need an alliance behind and backing them. Without an active alliance rally leading is pretty much pointless in fights as it will be difficult to fill a rally.

Fortress Organizers

Fortress Organizers are generally Leadership, however they don’t necessarily need to be leadership to help organize fortress captures.

Alert Announcers

Alert Announcers have a role to play to keep alliance members updated as to what’s going on. Whether it be through Discord and/or Alliance All-Mail.

Tower Planners

Tower Planners are members who excel at setting towers and planning towers in the most effective way possible.

Fighting Strategists

Fighting Strategists are members that excel in planning fights, objective focusing, rally leader placements, and planning fighting times. Generally most people will see fighting strategists in a leadership role, however they don’t need to be. Some players may have the mind for fighting strategies but don’t have the time or patience for leadership. And that’s perfectly okay!

Knowledgeable Teachers

Knowledgeable Teachers are members who have a consistent proven knowledge base of the game who enjoy teaching and helping others.

Knowing how to find members strengths and weaknesses and using them to benefit the alliance can also be a double edged sword, because not everyone wants to take charge of those roles. Usually there are reasons for not wanting to go into those roles, unfortunately not everyone is a follower, and not everyone is a leader. Some might not want to take charge of those roles because of not having enough time. Again, that’s perfectly okay! The hardest part of Member Management is finding those that fit those roles the best and that want to give it a go!

Member Organization
Member Organization consists of working with the members and keeping them up to date with understanding their roles and how to keep up. This includes training members to handle the roles that they have taken and getting everyone on the same page.

Fighting Organization
Fighting Organization is incredibly important when it comes to winning fights. Knowing what to choose as an objective and when to choose it can make or break a fight. Knowing when to switch objectives can also change the direction of the fight. Having the correct Fighting Strategists managing the fights is key to being successful. Not everyone has the mindset of a fighting strategist.That’s perfectly okay! But make sure to have an established fighting strategist or multiple fighting strategists that are on the same page handling the fighting. This will also allow for the alliance to be informed as to what the alliance is trying to accomplish and how to fight. Doing this successfully will keep moral of the alliance up even if the fight is being lost. Remember, just because an alliance has a solid fighting strategy does not guarantee a win.

Fortress Organization

Fortress Organization consists of making sure that the capture of a fortress involves as many people as possible by communication and planning. Setting rally leaders and allowing only certain marches in order to give everyone in the alliance who is participating in the capture to achieve troop kill rewards and durability rewards. Doing this successfully will keep the alliance morale going strong as it shows that leadership and those in charge of fortress captures care about every member of the alliance.


Having a solid set of rules that ALL should be following is an important key to having a successful organized alliance. The hardest part of having rules that everyone should be following is handling the ones that break those rules. In order to successfully handle those that break the rules, leadership must diplomatically find the best way possible to handle that situation as to not affect the whole alliance. Whether the consequences be a warning, a demotion or a flat out kick from the alliance. Remember, any action a leader does is being watched very closely. Actions made out of emotion can damage the image of the alliance, and the internal workings of the alliance. So when making a decision take a moment to think about how it will affect the rest of the alliance.