Successful Leadership - The Complete Guide Series

Great guide, thx guppers


Hooray! Another master work in the series.


Leadership! Woohoo!! Ice cream approved.


Coordination and Communication

When it comes to proper Coordination and Communication, its incredibly important that ALL members of the alliance are on the same page and understand how to work as a cohesive team. This means that Leadership should be training and helping everyone to understand what to do and look for in fights and strategies.

Having members just follow orders and trust in leadership is one thing. But having members who are trained and understand how to fight and what to look for without being told is on a whole different level. Training members to understand what exactly they are doing and looking at and the decisions being made by Leadership leads to complete coordination, even without massive amounts of communication. Think of a tree, a tree can only grow as tall as it’s root are deep. Without a solid foundation (Leadership, training, communication, coordination and teamwork) a tree will just fall.

Proper Communication and Coordination will result in every member knowing their roles and what to look for, what to do in every scenario and how to adjust.

This will also result in all members knowing every role, meaning if someone isn’t where they should be, someone else can instantly step in and take over that role.

Remember, achieving this kind of coordination requires a solid foundation. Communication is absolutely key in starting to establish this sort of foundation.

Member Communication

Communication isn’t only one way. All members should be communicating their thoughts. Whether it be with strategies or how to improve. If members see something they think could benefit the alliance, they should speak up about it. Remember, just because people are in leadership, it does not mean they see everything and that they are always right. Members may see something that leadership has missed or something could be of great benefit. Leadership needs to be open minded to others opinions and look into the ideas and thoughts of the alliance. This is especially important when it comes to competitive alliances. As the alliance as a whole should constantly be seeking out ways to improve and grow.


Will the real leadership, please stand up? Please stand up?
Also give me ice cream.



:warning: Take Note :warning:

*It’s important to note that each incident is very often different as there are all sorts of language barriers and personalities to take into account when addressing situations. Always try and be as respectful as possible when dealing with members who are upset or causing issues.

*Note: Handling situations in a disrespectful, trolling, toxic or harassing manner can not only damage individual image, but the image of the alliance as well. It’s important to remember that on the other end of the conversation is a person and should be treated with respect.

In this segment of the guide we will go over how to handle discipline of members of the alliance, as well as the best way to go about handling situations that may arise.

In terms of Leadership, no matter the situation, always treat players with respect. Leadership is always being watched, whether it be from members of the alliance or outside players. It’s important to note that how Leadership acts in any situation can play a critical role in the future of the alliance. This can affect future recruitment, CSC options for all current alliance members and the over all image of the entire alliance. Every action leadership makes can and will have after effects, always remember to take everything into consideration before making a decision.

Punishments can be a very difficult subject to approach when it comes to final decisions on what punishment can be given.

Always begin with having a respectful discussion with the individual(s), confirm that it wasn’t miscommunication or misunderstanding. Many times miscommunication and misunderstandings play a massive role in issues that may arise. This can be improved with active Leadership that is constantly communicating with the alliance about the direction of the alliance, what is expected from the members, rules and anything else that the alliance should be made aware of.

:warning:*Note: Do not publicly argue or berate members. This never solves any issues and will almost always make situations much bigger than they need to be.

*Note: Sometimes it’s important to give members a day to cool off before continuing a conversation. This also includes leadership, approach each situation with a calm and level head.

After a discussion has been had with the individual(s), if the situation doesn’t get resolved, take the situation to a leadership chat and discuss it amongst ALL of the leaders, leadership should be working as one cohesive group to make the best decisions for the alliance and each of it’s members. This will allow for the best possible decisions to be made with the least amount of residual problems, especially when it comes to punishments.

Making hasty decisions such as R0 or blowing up on a member the moment something happens can result in long term issues, such as initial anger and then eventual unhappiness about being in the alliance and can even affect whether or not a player wants to continue playing the game.

*Note: Acting hastily or out of anger can also affect the members that were not initially involved in the situation.

*Note: Always remember to take a moment and think about the decisions and how they will affect those in the alliance before making them. It’s important that a leader considers all parties in every situation.

Always Remember:

Always remember to make decisions in an unbiased manner. Stop and think about how a decision can affect players in the long and short term. Being able to keep a level head and make decisions in an unbiased manner is critical in being able to successfully lead an alliance.

Always communicate to the alliance what is expected and what they can expect from leadership.

Remember that allowing some members to break the rules without consequence and then punishing others for also breaking those same rules IS NOT the way to being successful as a leader. Be honest, be fair and be respectful.

Next Week:

Alliance style - Competitive vs Casual


Can I get R0 for knowing to much, to?


Everyone makes mistakes, one of the biggest is being a leader in the first place :rofl::smiling_imp::rofl::smiling_imp::rofl:


:face_with_peeking_eye:I’m a team player and active


Alliance Style - Competitive vs Casual

In this two part section of the guide we will go over the differences in leadership styles with Competitive Alliances and Casual Alliances

Casual Alliances - First lets begin by explaining what a casual alliance really is. A Casual Alliance is a group of players that just want to play, have fun and simply takes a slower approach to progress. This type of alliance wont necessarily be focused on activity or rule sets.

What are the perks of being in a Casual Alliance?
There are quite a few perks when it comes to Casual Alliances. It really depends on an individual’s play style, so lets go over some of the perks:

Expected Activity

When it comes to “Expected Activity” generally a casual alliance doesn’t have high expectations. Its a more laid back environment, log in when possible, play for fun, relax and enjoy the time.


In regards to events, casual alliances generally just expect players to show up and fight and participate on events when they can.


Generally in terms of leadership, while in a casual alliance, it’s much more laid back, communication is still needed, however, It’s much less demanding. Leadership can generally take their time releasing information and can be much more spur of the moment. (But lets be real here, its respectful to members and their daily lives to inform them of times and events and what’s happening so they can plan out times to be a part of the team!)

Over all, if you have a busy life style and can only hop on the game every once in a while, a casual alliance may be suited for you! In the end this is a game and should be played to have fun and enjoy the the company of those in the game.
Many players have different ideas as to what is fun. Some prefer competitive structured environments, where others may prefer to relax and not have to deal with the stress that comes with competitive alliances.
Remember, no matter what kind of alliance you choose to go to, always make sure that you are having fun and enjoying your time!


You have to be honest about what you want. I’m
Just a PVE player apparently… :smirk: