[Record Post] (S547) (UFO) Lost Island (SI.1474)

Hello everyone! I’m here with the grand finale of the UFO Lost Island event :slight_smile:

On this island, yellow was certainly at the top of the bracket, able to beat any other alliance 1v1 (blue, green, orange, purple), with one exception: pink.

Pink was on another level from everyone else on the island. Most alliances peaked around 14-18 members during the most active times of the event. Yellow peaked at 28 active members. Pink peaked at 50 active members. Pink had over 30 interesting hills in addition to its 20 main hills. Additionally, they had one member with only 250M kills, but with every single paid insect, every single paid ant, and 1700% in attack and defense with 600% in health on shooters, not including the island buffs. This final hill came in only when they started to lose any engagement. They picked up 500M kills in only the final days’ battle and tripled their kills.

In many battles, their accounts would teleport around towers and fill them constantly with all 4 units. These farms all had the same unit makeup, and I counted 5 distinct groups of 5 hills each that participated in these kinds of battles, and then a scattering of individuals with 2 or 3-hill groups. I’ve included an example below.

UFO lost this island, but not because we weren’t the best :slight_smile: Many factors played into Que winning the island. In order to understand it, you’ll have to learn what the final battles were like. For that, I’ll refer you to my fellow observer’s post, Darling. Thank you all for coming along with me on this journey! I’ve included some map progression images below for your viewing pleasure.

Wonder Battle

Tree Battle