Hello everyone! I’m Cry1is of SEN, currently reporting from the UFO (Area 51) alliance on 547! This post will include my initial observations, our strategy going into the event, and some of the resources that I have at my disposal!
Initial Observations
As part of our initial analysis, we collected the groundhog scores of all of the enemy alliances!
As you can see, every alliance has one opponent for their clash zone. green/blue and yellow/orange will additionally fight in the neutral areas that were not claimed by any alliance.
SEN has a document that we use for all strategy on the island. It includes specific direction around how we will rally buildings, how we will fight against towers, and how we will figure out our alliance schedule! The one that I will share today is around schedule. I have provided a short snippet of that document below.
At the beginning of every event, we put schedules on the calendar for every hour from Monday-Sunday so that alliance members can RSVP to the times throughout the week that they are available to attend! This makes it very easy to see when people are available.
One of our members has created a website where we can keep track of all towers and buffs, and by using it, we can visualize the map outside of the game!