[Record Post] S547 SeN | B:32, LI

Final Battles

In the intervening period since our last update, significant events have unfolded, placing me in a rather uneasy position. As the Lost Island draws to a close, numerous reports, supported by video evidence, have been submitted to the higher echelons. In the interest of maintaining objectivity and allowing the competent staff team to conduct their investigations, I’ll refrain from delving into specific details. Let’s entrust the resolution of these matters to the proper channels while we focus on navigating the current landscape.

(Que) Queen Ant in S 425 (Pink) currently comprises around 12 to 15 active members with an additional 30+ farm accounts. Their activity remained relatively inconspicuous on the Island until a strategic move, attempting to turn our sole allies, (UNI) Unity Supreme in S 550 (Green), against us. To some extent, this maneuver met with success. Originally, there was an agreement for Uni and UFO/SaN (us) to be the sole two alliances contending at the tree, with mutual assistance pledged if needed at the outset. However, Queen Ant’s actions have complicated the dynamics of this arrangement.

Everything was going smoothly as we successfully confronted both (JP3) JP3 S303 (Orange) and (ANT) ANimal Team S48 (Purple), securing victories against both. Additionally, UNI seemed to be holding their own against (SaN) Sanctuary S 465 (Blue). However, the situation took a turn when (Que) Queen Ant S 425 (Pink) entered the Tree zone. Initially, we paid little attention to them, focusing on our own strategies. Yet, Que unexpectedly directed their efforts toward us, leading to an unavoidable clash. Unfortunately, we came out on the losing side due to a numerical disadvantage, depleting our stamina and fungi reserves in the process. Notably, Que maintained an average of 25-30 hills per battle, a significant advantage over our forces.

Que took advantage of our weakened state, striking while we were low on stamina and healing fungi, successfully pushing us out of the Tree zone over the course of several days. Seeking support from our allies, we were met with promises that eventually turned into a surprising agreement between them and Que. Instead of coming to our aid, they decided to form a new alliance, leaving us to defend our clash zone against Que, JP3, and ANT simultaneously. This left us at a severe disadvantage, as we struggled to defend with limited healing fungi and being outnumbered by Que. Despite being attacked by multiple alliances, our allies chose to prioritize their level 9 wonder over assisting us. Later, we learned that Que had threatened them with attacks if they intervened on our behalf in the Tree zone.

In a nutshell, we faced the daunting task of battling three alliances solo and remarkably held our ground for a significant duration. During our struggle, we debated whether to cut our losses and initiate a vote to exit the island or persist in the face of overwhelming odds. However, a potential breakthrough emerged when our leader and a fellow observer proposed a deal that could benefit our allies UNI and SaN, though our primary objective was to dislodge Que and, if possible, regain our level 9 wonder. The catch was that UNI and SaN were in conflict. To navigate this, we positioned ourselves as a buffer between them, acting as a shield for both sides. Although SaN swiftly agreed, UNI hesitated. Pressed to concede, they eventually relented, albeit with some discontent about the challenging position we put them in—ironically mirroring their previous actions against us. Despite their initial reservations, all three alliances advanced towards the tree. Seizing the opportunity, Que exploited the situation to capture our level 9 wonder with the assistance of JP3 and ANT.

In the aftermath, UNI made a final attempt to aid us in reclaiming our wonder but faced defeat, resulting in their complete removal from the clash zone. Despite this setback, we assured them it was acceptable and redirected our focus to securing the tree while grappling with the wonder independently. UNI and SaN’s combined efforts proved ineffective against Que’s onslaught, with Que fielding a substantial number of accounts, estimated between 30 to 40. While some attacks lacked organization, a significant portion occurred simultaneously, posing a challenge to our defense. Que exhibited a seemingly unlimited supply of stamina and healing fungi, engaging in relentless combat for hours.

Their sustained activity, particularly a non-stop fight from 17:34 UTC, posed a considerable obstacle. Our efforts were further hindered by the need to shift between trying to reclaim the wonder, and assisting our allies, pursuing the tree, causing delays in our conquest of the level 9 wonder. Unfortunately, Que successfully held the tree, and our alliance, along with UNI and SaN, struggled to keep pace due to resource constraints.

It’s noteworthy that some found Que’s military maneuvers suspicious, not only in terms of march behavior but also the sudden surge in kills on numerous accounts on the last day, raising questions about many things.

Nevertheless, congratulations are extended to all the alliances involved, making the overall island experience enjoyable despite a few challenging events.

Thank you for your time,
