Hello everyone. On zone 1292, we only have 3 major alliances, ours being the 2nd highest power ranking. Unfortunately, we have been unable to get any new members that stick around for a few months now. Is there hope for us to RECRUIT a few of you to join us? We are currently named (SVA) for Strange Viking Ants. We have merged 4 times now to become what we are today. Everyone that we have is active and growing. We have 65 / 100 members right now. Our power level is 610,000,000. In zone 1292, it seems hard to find people that stay long enough to grow. It’s unfortunate. Our alliance is really cool and helpful and it would make the game much more fun if we could get some higher ranked members! For example, we only have 14 members with T-8 or higher ants to do Lost Island. I would love to participate, but we simply don’t have the numbers. We are surprisingly well coordinated for Alliance Expeditions and have won 5 out of our last 6 weeks, even though we usually only have like 9-12 people doing the event. Message me with any questions at all. I am still new to the game myself, 130 consecutive days signed in. Thanks for reading.

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My discord is pinoykid69. Our alliance is on 1302, if it allows migration between us. Come join us. We are an English alliance. Hope to hear from you soon.

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