What role are you playing in the current alliance?

:fire: Gift Code: RI2A6YV4O2 (limited quantity, first come, first served, official website only)
Redemption Link: The Ants

Each alliance has different members, and the development of the alliance is closely related to the roles played by its members. So, what role are you playing in the current alliance?
:+1: Spy
:heart: Ares
:laughing: Diplomat
:open_mouth: Troublemaker

:gift: Participation Reward: Community Surprise Chest1
Lucky Reward: Community Surprise Chest
3 (some additional draws)

:writing_hand: Leave your answer in the comments section along with your ID, and we will send you a “Community Surprise Chests” reward (Opening the community surprise chest has a chance to obtain game items such as Tertiary Eggs, Creature Remains, Spores, and Minor Cell Nucleus) within 15 working days after the deadline of this topic, which is March 11, 2024, at 23:59:59 (UTC).




ID 11055230

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ID: 60869221

ID: 40881359

Clan Leader so mainly Diplomat and Peacekeeper, sometimes a lot of work :smiling_face_with_tear:

ID: 44761562

1 Like

Noneof them i´m r1

ID: 70581297

:open_mouth: Troublemaker

I’m spy
ID 65600337

ID :42581490 :heart:

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