Welcome to Spotlight Time (Jul 17, 2024)

:tada:Welcome to Spotlight Time. Today’s guest is Crazy Rooster from Canada. In his opinion, as a shooter player​:bow_and_arrow:, what is the key to winning?
:+1:Combat Speed

:writing_hand:Share your answer and leave your Game ID in the comments under the post! The mysterious rewards will be sent via Mail within 15 workdays after the event ends (July-23-2024, 23:59:59, UTC+0)


ID : 42581490

Also thanks for the great youtube channel. :pray: :+1:
I liked your story :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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:+1: Combat Speed

ID: 56710996


ID: 77875028

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ID: 78072148

:+1:Velocidad de combate

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Id 69988535

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سرعت مورچه مبارزه. Id 72608033

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سرعت مورچه id75676298

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Speed. Id75371562

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سرعت. Id77614643

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Id 72653668

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:boom: Combat Speed


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combat speed

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Combat Speed

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