The Community Event of The Ants (March 6, 2024)

:fire:Weekly Gift Code: NS7X8HP7E1 (limited quantity, first come first served, official website only)
Redemption Link: The Ants

The Parachernes is finally here​:tada::tada:, what is your first impression of the new insect​:thinking:?
:+1:It’s a scorpion
:heart:I know it’s not actually a scorpion

:writing_hand:Share your answer and leave your Game ID in the comments under the post! :laughing:Feel free to share some real pictures about Parachernes in the comments too​:camera:. The mysterious rewards will be sent via Mail within 15 workdays after the event ends (March-12-2024, 23:59:59, UTC+0)

:fire:Parachernes HD wallpaper is released! If you like it, you can go click on the link to get a clearer wallpaper! :heart_eyes:

:mag_right:Parachernes - Google Drive


ID : 42581490


I know it’s not actually a scorpion


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:+1:It’s a scorpion

Ло̀жноскорпио́ны (или псевдоскорпионы, лжескорпио́ны) (лат. Pseudoscorpionida) — отряд мелких паукообразных членистоногихживотных. Представители размером обычно не более 2—3 мм, редко до 7 мм[1]. Самый крупный ложноскорпион, *Garypus titanius*обитает на острове Вознесения и может достигать 12 мм[2][3]. Широко распространены в природе, но малозаметны из-за небольших размеров и скрытного образа жизни.

ID 46454092. ID 52729458

1 Like

:heart:I know it’s not actually a scorpion
ID: 40881359

ID: 51632412

:heart:I know it’s not actually a scorpion

:heart:I know it’s not actually a scorpion

ID: 70799264

:heart: I know it’s not actually a scorpion

ID: 56710996

Yes :+1:

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