The Ants|Kumoko: The event will start in 3 days!

The Ants|Kumoko: The event will start in 3 days!

:writing_hand: Leave your answer in the comments section along with your ID. We will send you a mysterious reward :gift: within 15 working days after the deadline of this topic on May 27, 2024, at 23:59:59 (UTC).


I´m realy curious how this event will be.
To prepare for it i finished with my girlfriend the anime yesterday xD


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Let’s hope this event is more about having fun and less about having funds. May our pockets be light, but our spirits (and our ants) be mighty! :rofl:


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Bin auch schon voll gespannt auf das neue Event. Es macht bestimmt Spass :slight_smile:


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Hope this event intereesting!
ID 60809966

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Funny and interesting.

It sounds like a fun event maybe spiders will attack us all…
ID. 40294761

1 Like

Sounds interesting and fun.
ID: 40881359

1 Like

Can’t wait

ID: 73802815

Sounds interesting. ID: 72289089

ID: 63153545

This is going to be so much fun i hope. The show was really good
ID 32387480

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