This week, SVH has been back on the original server after our dominating win last event at Barren Land. Everyone was excited to be back to open our dominated season eggs and to get our rewards! We had an amazing event with our allies Zlo and RuH, and we are excited to sign back up for the next adventure. This was my personal hatch from the season rewards:
SVH started the week by farming speedups at the tree. We have also been farming much needed resources to prepare for the next event. Our leadership has chosen to try our luck back at the Vast Jungle event. We are hoping that the new changes will make it a more balanced and fun event than the batch one. It was nearly impossible for blue camp to win against the red buffs, and we hope that with the new milestones, it will be more evenly matched for both sides.
SVH has analyzed the participation from last event to figure out our promotions, demotions, and kicks. We have also started recruiting for the next event. We used a designed special formula to help understand the participation level of each member based off their individual strength vs champion points. This formula gives us another view to accommodate weaker member’s activity, rather than just going off of Champion points which would give an unfair advantage to the stronger members. We currently stand at 85 members. With the shared R5 role in SVH, it will be Achillies turn to lead the next event.
We have signed up for AE this week for the first time since going to the last event. We are hoping to have a dominating force to be able to get some bio essence before signing back up for Vast Jungle. We will continue to farm for speedups and resources until we leave, as well as recruit new members for the wars ahead.
We are excited to be going back into an event. It might be too soon, because of the amount of speedups and resources we used during our last event, but everyone is excited to get back into the fighting. This week, we will decide which preferred camp we will pick. We hope to get some strong and cooperative allies for the next event.
SVH has officially signed up for the Vast Jungle event. Everyone is excited to go back to an event, but we are hoping that the new updates will make it even for both the red and blue camps. After a horrible first experience in Vast Jungle, we are willing to try again after the updates. We have now entered the matchmaking period to find out who our allies and enemies will be.
My alliance has chosen to pick the Golden Acorn Camp as our preferred camp for the event, because we feel we can get more kills with the added buffs of the home zones. We are hoping to have some good allies for the event. We are also hoping that the protection time will be in our favor. The best time to block for my alliance is the 0 to 8UTC timeslot, because most members are located in the Americas.
SVH will continue to farm resources and speed ups to prepare for the event. So far, we have been able to farm at the tree twice with the War of Kings event. We should be able to do one more before entering Vast Jungle. We hope to have our depots full of resources before then.
We have prepared our discord to accommodate the allies for communication during the event. We are hoping that our allies will speak either English or Spanish, as the language barrier from last event was difficult to navigate. SVH has also recruited and adjusted most of our ranks based on participation from the last event.
While there is still another week to enter Vast Jungle, we are happy to be getting off the original server and back into an event. Many members are hungry for kills. We believe that with our increased power and activity, we should have a good chance of winning. Now it is just a waiting game for our next adventure.
The matchmaking period has ended, and SVH finally knows our ally and enemies for the Vast Jungle event! To our suprise, we were paired with RoP as our sole ally. We already know RoP from a previous Barren Land event that SOH and TVK had before our merger. It was actually the same event that SOH and TVK met on before becoming SVH. RoP is an amazing alliance, and we already know how well we will work together! We are honored to be paired with them again with our merged alliance. It already feels very nostalgic having all of our core members together in an event again.
SVH and RoP have been placed in the Golden Acorn Camp. Our enemies in the Snowy Cedar Camp are AAA, HEA, and H2K. Although we are not familiar with the enemy alliances, we have begun to do our research. We are currently collecting information on their groundhog scores to get a better idea of the enemy’s power.
SVH and RoP are already in communication in the SVH discord. I had already set up channels and permissions to accommodate our ally for general leadership chat, event planning, and enemy information. Being that we already have a past relationship and strong friendship with RoP, we know that we will work very well together this event.
Over the coming days, we will be selecting the R6 and our starting zones. Both alliances have already agreed to block the 8 to 16UTC time period. We know from our past event together that this is the least active time for both of our alliances. We will be working closely with RoP to give us the best possible chance of winning.
With the remaining time on the regular server, SVH will be farming for the last time for healing speedups and filling up our depots with much needed resources for the wars ahead. We know that Vast Jungle takes an abundance of resources and we want to be as prepared as possible before we enter the event map. We have also completed adjusting our ranks. We will review the ranks again towards the end of the event based on activity, so that members get the rewards they deserve based on individual participation.
SVH is excited to get off the regular map and back into an event. We are even more excited to have such an amazing ally in RoP this event. If we work together as well as we did our last Barren Land together, we know that we have a great chance of winning.
Also, a shout out to @jennyoung who is a fellow observer moderator in RoP. This event will be special, because we will have a mod in both the allied alliances reporting the same event!
We have now entered our Vast Jungle event. This week has been all about taking buildings and making towers to gain buffs for the battles ahead. Both SVH and RoP have been busy trying to gain as many buffs as possible before the tunnels open and we need to defend against Snowy Cedar Camp.
Over the last week, Golden Acorn Camp selected RoP to take the R6 for the event. During our last Barren Land together, the leader of our camp was in TVK. We saw it only fair that RoP takes the lead this time. Our protection time was selected as 8UTC to 16UTC by both camps. This will create a 16 hour fighting window from 16UTC to 8UTC daily.
Communication has been excellent between SVH and RoP. We have been planning together every step of the way. Over the course of this past week, we have both been building in our home zones. Both alliances took their initial Wonders and continued onto other buildings. RoP started into the open zone to take that wonder while SVH built into the Tree Zone to take the tree. Taking both of these open buildings early will help to provide significant buffs and increased season soldier ant output for both alliances.
The next step of our plan is to build into each other’s zones, and for SVH to follow RoP into the open zone to provide support on all sides of the map. Both alliances have selected two buildings in each other’s zones to give free teleportation near both the inside and an outside tunnel. This will allow for better assistance later in the event.
Over the next week, we will continue to capture as many buildings as possible while making our way to all 6 of the tunnels we will need to defend. We are currently waiting for an answer to see if we should do tower transfers to the deeper buildings in our home zones. This would put both alliances near the outter part of our home zones near the residences that will provide free teleportation by an outside tunnel. Doing this would also save both alliances a lot of time and towers.
Here is a look at the map as it stands now
So far, the event is going very well. SVH and RoP get along very well together and trust each other a lot from our past experiences. Everyone is excited to be back in an event together. The course of the next week will determine how prepared we are to defend our zones in the middle of the map. We are doing everything we can to give us the best chance of winning.
We are into our second week of our Vast Jungle event, and it has been all about gaining buffs and building to the tunnels of the enemy zones. The tunnels open in two days, so we have been preparing for the inevitable defense of our territories. We hope to have both alliances covering all entry points to the center of the map before then. The exchange of residences for free teleportation in our starting zones will also make a huge difference for Golden Acorn Camp.
SVH has been building in the third open zone and RoP’s starting zone to be able to help where needed. We will take two lower residences in the RoP zone to give us free teleportation near both of the bottom tunnels. RoP has been building in SVH’s zone for the same purpose. Unfortunately, clay now costs 4k to build a tower so the process has slowed a little.
The campsites have now opened to the outter territories. SVH will take the Wonder in the Elk zone, while RoP will take the Wonder in the Bear zone. SVH will then take the residences in the Bear zone while RoP will take the residences in the Elk zone. By splitting the Wonder and residences in each zone, our alliances will take full advantage of the free teleportation in each. We will both take the two new Wonders as soon as the bonuses drop.
Over the next couple of days, both alliances will continue to take residences to gain more buffs while building to all access points of our home zones. While the enemy camp might wait to gain more buffs before trying to enter, we want to be prepared for anything with our 16 hour fighting window. All of our members have also been trying to reach 40k honor to maximize our healing fungi. Those of us with T10s unlocked have also been enhancing our T11 season soldier ants.
The event has been slow moving so far, but that will all change over the next week. With the tunnels opening in two days, we fully expect the battles to start sooner rather than later. Everyone is itching for a fight, and Vast Jungle never disappoints in that aspect. SVH and RoP will be prepared for whatever Snowy Cedar Camp throws at us.
Contains personal opinions
Week 3 of our Vast Jungle event has been a week of war! All the alliances have moved into the neutral clash zones and battles have broken out all over the map. SVH and RoP have had our hands full fighting three alliances constantly.
SVH has been fighting with AAA in both the Giant Bear zone and our home zone. We have cleared them from the Giant Bear zone twice. We have also fought with HEA, pushing them out of RoP’s zone. To our suprise, H2K did something very unexpected by deleting all of their towers in both their home zone and Juniper Cliff zone. In all my time on the game, I have never seen an alliance remove all the towers in a zone that they need to defend. SVH took full advantage and have started building to take their buffs. Unfortunately, we haven’t made significant progress yet with the lack of fungi from fighting the other two alliances.
RoP has been battling two alliances at once in the Glacial Fish zone. For the past few days, they have been battling with both HEA and AAA trying to hold them out of the Rebirth of Elk zone. They have done an amazing job holding and pushing both alliances back from this zone. RoP has also eliminated H2K from the open clash zone of Golden Acorn Camp.
Over the course of the week, H2K had built into the open clash zone alone. With RoP preoccupied fighting the other two alliances, we initially started a tower transfer to SVH above their towers to prevent them from moving further north. However, RoP was able to eliminate them. H2K doesn’t seem to be working well with their allies. From removing all their towers in the zones they need to protect to attempting to move alone into the enemy clash zone, it seems that they are either inexperienced in events or just uncooperative with their allies.
H2K has started to build into the Giant Bear zone. RoP is building to cut them off, while SVH will continue to try and pull the fight south into the Juniper Cliff zone. RoP will also keep trying to push deeper into the Glacial Fish zone; however, they will need to push through both AAA and HEA to make it to the Wonder. Thankfully, it seems that all three alliances in Snowy Cedar Camp are very low on healing fungi from all the fighting this past week.
We have two more days before the speed of tower construction and destruction changes. Both SVH and RoP will try to make as much progress as we can before then. With all three enemy alliances low on healing fungi, we hope to make some significant gains in the open clash zones on the map. We fully expect the enemies to make a push for our home zones once the milestone ends. We have one more tower transfer to work with, and we will be prepared for a significant uptick in fighting very soon!
Week 4 has been another full week of fighting in our Vast Jungle event. Snowy Cedar Camp made their way into the open zone hoping to make a break for our wonder. The focus this week has been to protect our home zones and the wonder in the Giant Bear zone.
The week started with SVH building into the Violet Jungle zone to take some buffs and work our way to the wonder since H2K decided to delete all their protective towers. However, once we got close to the residences, they started building back to defend. After a couple of days of battle, AAA moved down to assist them. We decided to abandon our effort in a 2 vs 1 situation as we were wasting fungi and resources that we would need elsewhere. RoP continued to push in the Glacial Fish zone.
We also had a huge battle holding back H2K in the Giant Bear zone. Both SVH and RoP fought together to eventually break H2K and push them back. They then started into our home zone instead.
H2K was the first alliance to enter the middle zone and made some progress while we were exhausted fighting with the other two alliances. They were able to make gains in the south of the zone, taking a few buildings along the way. Eventually, both AAA and HEA were also able to enter this zone.
After days of continuous fighting, both SVH and RoP were able to make significant progress with holding and pushing AAA and HEA back. Working together, we were able to push AAA completely out of this zone, and hold HEA back from moving forward towards the wonder. H2K was the only alliance running freely in the south area of the zone. While we were focused on the other two alliances, they were able to move further northeast and destroy the few towers that SVH had in that area from the earlier tower transfer from RoP.
After AAA was eliminated from the middle clash, they turned their focus on the Giant Bear wonder. RoP was able to fend them off while SVH was working further north to take away one of their larger buildings and trying to provide a distraction. We have successfully saved the wonder in this zone, at least for the time being.
Currently, both SVH and RoP are working together to clear out the remaining enemy towers in our home zones. RoP will clear out HEA while SVH builds down to start on clearing H2K. Once HEA has been eliminated, RoP will also start focusing on H2K in the bottom part of the zone. Although it now appears that the enemies have given up as H2K has now deleted all their towers in our home zone as I write this post.
13 days remain in the competition period of the event. So far, Golden Acorn Camp has done an amazing job! We hope to continue our dominance in the event and prevent the enemies from even making it to the tree zone. SVH and RoP work very well together, and our communication, planning and execution has been great. We will be working very hard to end the event with a win!
It’s week 5 in our Vast Jungle event. The enemy alliances have all been cleared from our home zone. For the most part, the battles have slowed down in the event. AAA and HEA have tried a couple of times to go after the SVH towers holding the entry tunnels to our zones, but we have not had another break in.
After H2K removed all the towers in our third home zone, SVH and RoP quickly moved to take back the buildings and block the tunnels from re-entry. So far, none of the enemy alliances have tried to get back into that zone. It seems that Snowy Cedar Camp has given up for the most part.
After clearing the enemy towers from the third zone, SVH started building back into the Juniper Cliff zone towards the H2K wonder, stealing buildings along the way. We were able to build all the way back with minimal resistance from H2K. After an hour and a half battle, SVH was able to steal the wonder and remove the surrounding towers. AAA did not fight, even when we cleared their towers from our path.
Both RoP and SVH have been building towards open buildings to gain more buffs and fruits in both the Giant Bear and Rebirth of Elk zones. After RoP successfully defended the Giant Bear wonder against AAA earlier in the week, HEA started building in the Giant Bear zone towards the RoP wonder. RoP is currently fighting with them to protect it. Meanwhile, AAA started a tower transfer to H2K near one of the SVH home tunnels in their zone. RoP built to the area to assist just in case. So far, there has been no movement on that front.
While there is still another week of the event left, Golden Acorn Camp feels confident in our ability to hold back any enemy advances into our home zones. While there is still an enemy threat at all of our tunnels, the small battles seem to have shifted to the other zones. With no enemy towers currently in our home zones, we believe that we can hold the rest of the event and win.
Long nights to collect those speed ups but it’s paying up now as I almost finished them all. 
So much planning has gone into this event. Especially at the beginning, that is when most of the fights settle the upcoming weeks. The more lairs/residences one alliance gets, the more buffs the camp can use. My congratulations to the leadership for all their plans, communication and understanding. Everyone has a life but so far, the game went smoothly. All thanks to a good communication in the upper ranks. So thank you for the hard work and time you guys put into the event.
My special thanks goes to you @Blitzkrieg, the discord channels you set up for this are a must when it comes to the planning in these events. Not to mention these records you meticulously save and share with us all. So much time and work went into it all. So thank you. You’re amazing.
The final week of our Vast Jungle event was pretty uneventful as far as large wars. It seems that the enemy camp gave up on the event, and did not made a combined final push. While there were a few smaller battles around the map, it seems that our event was officially over once Golden Acorn Camp eliminated Snowy Cedar Camp from the third home zone.
To keep our alliances from getting bored while we wait to leave Vast Jungle, both SVH and RoP decided to go after some of the wonders and buildings in the open zones held by the enemies. SVH re-entered the Violet Jungle zone last week and captured H2K’s wonder, so this week, we decided to head into the north Secret Stash of Squirrel zone to capture their other wonder.
RoP started building further back into the Glacial Fish zone and captured the wonder from HEA.
The only wonder in the open map not captured by our camp is the Cycad Pond wonder held by AAA.
Over the course of the week, there were some smaller battles against HEA in RoP’s home zone. I think they were more fighting out of boredom than to try to make a final push as the battles only included a small fraction of their alliance. SVH was able to push them back and keep the zone safe. There were also some small battles as SVH stole some buildings around the map.
This victory is well deserved for both SVH and RoP. We couldn’t have done it without RoP, and we feel privileged to have been paired with them again as our ally. The communication and cooperation between our alliances are amazing, and we hope to work with them again in the future. We not only consider them very good friends, but part of our gaming family.
With this event over, we will be returning to the regular map in a matter of hours. SVH adjusted some of the ranks of our members to give rewards based on event participation. We have an extensive list of members wanting to join upon our return. We have decided to immediately sign up for an event so that we won’t be waiting on the server for an extended period of time. We will enjoy this win and begin planning for our next adventure.
Until next time…this is Blitzkrieg signing off…