Spotlight Series - Live Podcast #2

Spotlight Series- Live Podcast #2

:izakaya_lantern: Eagnai :izakaya_lantern:

Check out this Podcast from the Spotlight Staff Team!
Ants Player Eagnai shares moments from his life, stories about his 13 dogs and 1 cat and what keeps him interested and engaged in the game. Listeners had the chance to ask further questions during the live recording, so we got to hear some nice litte extra informations.

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Oh wow! This podcast was absolutely fantastic. I learned so much from it. There were many topics like hunting and fishing that I truly love but don’t know how to do. Haha! :rofl:
But the most intriguing part was about sniping in different hemispheres of the Earth. The fact that you need to know which side of the Earth you’re on to shoot accurately blew my mind :star_struck:

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