Server 1253 Alliance Recruitment


We are a new server, and this will be our first lost island event in 3 days before registration begins. Looking for anyone interested in joining our alliance RIP (rest in pieces) for Lost Island. Looking for anyone with T8s wanting to migrate to our server. We have English, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Indonesian, etc speakers. Looking for 8-10 more players.

Come on over and message anyone in RIP. Tell them Mr. Meeseek sent you. Thanks

Potreste fondervi con noi blk del 1269 o con nostra alleanza di farm/satellite oro.Cosí si potrebbe andare subito all’isola senza aspettare 2 convocazione.

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برای پیوستن نیاز به چه قدرتی دارید ؟ و چه سطحی
حداقل شرایط چیست

Hello, Queen level 22, with 1 soldier type that is t8

Hello thanks, our plan is to merge with another on the server if we don’t get the last few members. Thank you for the offer though.

Prego.In ogni caso eravamo vincolati a fusioni/reclutamento ai server 1266-1270.Il 1253 purtroppo non è nella nistra zona per l’isola.Buon gioco.

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