[Record Post] S590 SOH-Blitzkrieg, Batch 3, Group 146 - SOH Barren Land

ciertamente la guerra en el desierto es intensa, el calor es sofocante y las noches son frías, ademas las ranas me tienen harto… SOH está avanzando a paso firme en el norte y demuestra ser superior al enemigo, por otro lado en el sur las bajas cada día son mayores, MIA ha demostrado un temple de acero, se escribirán canciones en honor a su defensa impenetrable, y RGA intenta contrarrestar los ataques incesantes de BUG, un mounstro de gran tamaño, mis saludos desde el frente batalla.


I truly love this! Good stuff Blitz!!




Como siempre Blitz, espero ansiosa tus noticias con nuestro progreso. Tenemos una gran comunicación con nuestro camp, y es lo mas importante dentro de este evento… Espero que sigamos avanzando, ya nos han puesto una gran barrera frente a los tuneles del árbol, pero estoy segura que romperemos esas barreras. Gracias por compartir todas nuestras experiencias! <3

PS: Si no recibo una exclusiva personal no volveré a redactar un comentario para ti >:C


Estoy muy impresionado de todo lo que ha sucedido ayer. La heroica resistencia de MIA en la maravilla…El empuje finalmente victorioso junto a RGA en contra de Bug y CTP. La victoria de SOH en el norte tomando la maravilla de YRS…Todo ha salido bien para nosotros. El campamento enemigo está muy golpeado
Veremos qué sucede en los próximos días. Pero creo que vamos por muy buen camino!




Impresionante trabajo redactando como siempre, Blitz!!!
Nuestro rival intentó bloquearnos. Pero nuestros estrategas idearon la mejor forma de romper ese bloqueo. Tenías razón desde el principio.
Ahora nos toca bajar hacia el sur para pelear junto a nuestros aliados. Pero no descuidaremos el norte, pues nuestra tarea allí aún no está terminada. Se acercan días muy interesantes


Estoy herido, el incesante retumbar de los bombardeos de BUG mantienen en un temblor constante los yermos del sur, RGA no se rinde gracias al apoyo continuo de MIA, estamos resistiendo, los hospitales ya no dan a basto y todos los días muren miles de soldados que han dejado todo en el campo de batalla, ahora la esperanza cobra vida y estamos a la espera de un convoy con refuerzos del norte, SOH está llegando con sus escuadrones Comando…
No se cuanto mas podré resistir con estas heridas, mi deseo mas profundo es ver la bandera de La trile Alianza elevándose en la copa del árbol, tenemos fe que lo lograremos.
Mis saludos desde el frente de batalla.
Cte. KANGU de la guardia sur.


ahahahahah The Great Wall falls xD What a waste of clay they did XD

Now comes the war in the nation of the South!!!


Barren Land Update

The tunnels to the Tree Zone have finally opened. My faction took full advantage of the enemy faction’s protection time to build across and hold them out of the Tree Zone.

Immediately upon the tunnels opening, RGA and MIA built straight across to block the tunnels of CTP and BuG in an effort to keep them from entering the Tree Zone altogether. SOH had a longer route to go, building from the top all the way to the bottom to help our allies. It took two days of building to get down to the war area, but it was well worth the wait.

The first day, RGA and MIA battled the enemy from the time protection opened for our faction until it reset for the enemy, with SOH sending missles from afar. They did an amazing job holding back the enemy forces until SOH could arrive to help. It worked to our advantage, because BuG and CTP were beat up pretty bad from the long first day trying to battle their way into the Tree Zone. So, when SOH finally arrived, we were able to fight back a worn down enemy with our fungi and resources full.

Photo courtesy of Kangu of RGA (Thank you!)

SOH was able to gain ground for our faction by pushing BuG out of the Tree Zone, even entering into the enemy’s Clash Zone. Of course we had to go through another “Great Wall” in order to do this. But, we fought hard, and one by one the enemy towers fell.

Meanwhile, RGA and MIA were able to focus on getting CTP out on the right side. With this plan, we were able to get BuG completely out, and CTP with only one tower left unbuilt in the Tree Zone.

With YRS all but eradicated from the Northern Clash Zone, CTP let them build through their zone to work their way down to the Southern Clash zone and take the Wonder. We could have battled to keep it, but we figured the Tree Zone was a more important objective for today. We thought it would be better to get BuG and CTP out of the Tree Zone while they were weakened, and take back the Southern Wonder at a later time with full force.

There will be many days of war ahead for my faction. SOH, MIA, and RGA have created a deep bond on Barren Land, and our three alliances work very well together. We couldn’t have asked for a better faction. We will work to take back our Southern Wonder from YRS, hold BuG and CTP out of the tree zone, and hopefully capture the enemy Wonder from BuG in the coming days. The war will be long, but our alliances are prepared and ready for the long haul. We will succeed!


Dear fellow, I am very happy with this new update. where you clearly forgot to mention that we spent 4 days in a row building! ahhaahah.
Gacier to that we have all controlled areas. We have done a good job at Camp, I am very proud of our performance.


4 días construyendo…La espera fue insoportable. Necesitábamos una pelea!!! Jaja
MIA y RGA hicieron un gran trabajo bloqueando los túneles antes de que el campamento enemigo pudiera moverse
El precio puede parecer costoso ahora…Pero creo que finalmente habrá valido la pena



Last week started with a great battle between SOH and BuG. SOH continued our long journey south through the enemy Clash Zone from the Tree Zone. We were able to seal the top entrance from BuG in this zone, taking their buildings along the way.

The following day, YRS tried to make a push through the Northern Clash Zone in an attempt to enter the Tree Zone while our forces were hurting and without much healing fungi. We were able to hold them off with our dominating numbers, and completely eradicate them from the Northern Clash Zone while also protecting our Northen Wonder. It was a full team effort, and SOH proved victorious once again, even though our forces were hurting from the previous day’s battle with BuG.

Meanwhile in the South, MIA was also able to push through the southern tunnels from the Tree Zone and make their way to the enemy’s Wonder. Panicking, BuG tried to destroy the Wonder in an effort to keep our faction from getting to it. With a time constraint, MIA did a great job making it to the Wonder and taking it over for our faction, stopping the Wonder from being destroyed! They were able to fight off both BuG and CTP along the way.

In the Southern Clash Zone, RGA made a push back to reclaim our stolen Wonder from YRS. They battled fiercely against both YRS and CTP. The following day, they were able to take the Wonder back. RGA is now pushing through the enemy Clash Zone from the south, cornering CTP and BuG between them and MIA and SOH in the north of that zone.

It was a very productive week for the Stone Camp. Between our three alliances, we were able to take two Wonders from the enemy faction in the south, protect the Wonder in the North, and completely block out CTP, YRS, and BuG from entering the Tree Zone. Everything seems to be going in our favor. Now, we just need to keep up the momentum and hold the enemy from making another push. Between SOH, MIA, and RGA, we now hold all 5 Wonders in the open map!



For now, our three alliances will continue to break down towers and take over buildings from the enemy faction. When the Tree finally unlocks, we should have no problems taking it for Stone Camp! Amazing job everyone! Let’s keep up the pressure on Wreck Camp and show them SOH, MIA, and RGA are not a force to be reckoned with!

More updates to come!


Muy buen relato Blitz! La travesía hasta este punto de la partida no ha sido fácil. Pero ahora tenemos todas las zonas importantes bajo nuestro control. Hemos vivido muchos momentos épicos y emocionantes. Como la destrucción dd la Gran Muralla, la épica captura y resistencia de la maravilla del sur por parte de MIA, la resistencia de RGA en la zona de choque expulsando al amarillo, el sellado de la zona del árbol…Ha sido todo muy divertido y emocionante. Antes de ésto, mi mejor evento había sido la segunda isla(la cual ganamos). Pero este Barren Lands lo ha superado, y es todo gracias al equipo!!!

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This is by far my favorite island event. The teamwork of the alliances we have been paired with is amazing! SOH works together so well, and I am honored to be a part of this family. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it, Sire!



We have now entered the Settlement Period on Barren Land. Everyone is celebrating a huge win! My faction finished Barren Land holding every Wonder in all open areas of the map.

The Stone Camp dominated this event, and kept Wreck Camp from making it into the Tree Zone during the final phase.

Below are screenshots of the final map as the event ended and entered the Settlement Period

My faction’s alliances ended with the top 3 spots for influence on Barren Land

The teamwork of SOH, MIA, and RGA was very well planned, coordinated, and executed throughout the entire event. We couldn’t have asked for a better faction to be on Barren with. Together, our three alliance faction was able to push back BuG, CTP, and YRS from all Wonders and the Tree Zone during the final weeks of the event.

The most critical parts on this island were SOH’s dominance in holding the entire North from YRS and then moving across the Tree Zone to help MIA and RGA block CTP and BuG from entering it, MIA racing to capture BuG’s Wonder that was trying to be destroyed, RGA recapturing the Southern Wonder from YRS, the fierce battles that all of our alliances endured throughout the entire event, and all three alliances destroying towers of the enemy faction to prevent any counteroffensive.

Barren Land might be over, but the bond and friendship between SOH, MIA, and RGA will remain. I have never seen so much cooperation on this game as I did during this event. I would like to give special thanks to all members of our faction’s leadership team, as well as each and every member that helped to make this win possible. We couldn’t have achieved what we did without all of teamwork of the amazing members in these great alliances. It was a win well deserved for everyone!

Until next time, this is Blitzkrieg signing out!


Admito que no quería que este evento terminara. El trabajo en equipo tanto en el campamento como en la alianza fue el mejor que he vivido jamás en toda mi historia de Ants. Estoy agradecido con cada uno de los miembros de este maravilloso grupo que se ha encargado de que la victoria no sea solo una posibilidad, sino un hecho contundente. Y también fue muy divertido
Gracias por encargarte de relatar todas estas crónicas de la alianza, Blitz. Perdurarán en el tiempo estas hazañas que las tres alianzas han logrado. Gracias a ti, ahora son inmortales

Ahora se acerca una nueva etapa. Con nuevos amigos y nuevos desafíos. Pero estoy seguro de que volveremos a dar lo mejor como alianza!!!


Luego de innumerables batallas los ejércitos se retiran, veo en los soldados “la mirada de las mil yardas”, traumas de trincheras, lo hemos dejado todo, y la recompensa por el trabajo hoy es un hecho, solo quedan las memorias y las heridas, hoy volemos a casa, orgullosos de que las muertes no han sido en vano.
Ahora solo deseo volver con mi familia y prepararme para la siguiente misión, traigo conmigo la experiencia y el recuerdo de tan valientes aliados, ojalá el destino vuelva a encontrar nuestros camino, me despido formalmente :saluting_face: