[Record Post]S393 - YNK - ティグロ - batch 8

6 November 2022
Hello everyone this is my second post, but this is the first post for my journey in Lost Island Batch 8

My first story is that in Lost Island Batch 8 is during the Registration Period and this is the last day of the Registration Period, currently my alliance is waiting for the next Lost Island while preparing:

  1. Collect as many resources as possible and save them
  2. Reduce Anthill Power by killing enough troops

Because in the previous Lost Island my alliance did not get the opportunity to occupy the Tree Of Abundance and for now I hope that on Lost Island this time my alliance can occupy the Tree Of Abundance with some additional new members as well as old members who have arrived


11 November 2022
Hello everyone, this is my third post and also the second post on lost island batch 8

In this third post, my alliance has reached the Matchmaking Period stage and during the Matchmaking Period I hope to be able to occupy Pearl Island or King Crab Flatland, because in my opinion both islands are more profitable than other islands, on that island we can get one additional island first, namely Conch Canyon and we can get additional buffs when occupying some of the fortresses that are there and are very useful for fighting for the Land of Clash as well as the Land of Abundance, and I’m sure the island is a bone of contention for several other alliances.

13 November 2022
Hello everyone this is my third post on Lost Island batch 8

this time I was in the Selection Period, yes as in the picture above my alliance cannot occupy King Crab Flatland which is on a pink island and also Pearl Island which is on a blue island :frowning: :face_exhaling:
but that’s okay even if we don’t get one of the two islands, we won’t just give up because my main goal and my alliance when entering Lost Island is to be able to occupy the Tree of Abundance not to occupy one of the two islands. :exploding_head:
and on Lost Island this time the leader of my alliance created a discord group to make it easier for us to share information about other alliances that exist on Lost Island this time and can also help communicate when we are at war with other alliances without having to open a chat in the game

then next these are some of the alliances in batch 8:

  1. on the blue island, namely Pearl Island is occupied by the alliance (MIR) MIR from server 392

  2. on the brown island, namely Turtle Remains Upland is occupied by the alliance (IER)IERUTALAN from server 365

  3. on the green island, namely Tidal Shell Coast is occupied by the alliance (jpn)Japanese ants from server 427

  4. on the purple island that is Starfish Island is occupied by the alliance (AoA)Army of Anubis from server 310

  5. on the yellow island, namely Coral Island is occupied by the alliance (AKA)AKATSUKI from server 336

  6. on the cyan island, namely Fishbone Wilderness is occupied by alliance (R18)R Woo R Wooo from server 406

  7. on the orange island, namely Conch Stronghold is occupied by the alliance (YNK) Yusha No Koneko from server 393

  8. on the pink island, namely King Crab Flatland is occupied by the alliance (UND)Under World from server 345

15 November 2022

Hello everyone this is my fourth post on Lost Island batch 8

in this post i am already in the Competition Period and this is the first day of this round, on this first day i did at the beginning when i just logged in to the game after completing several tasks, namely attacking several Shooter Ants Colonies to increase the production of my SXI troop, then because it coincided on Monday i made several improvements to buildings using makeshift Enhancement Resin and also upgraded several buildings that had not reached their maximum level without using Enhancement Resin, and i’m sure some people also did the same thing as me.
then below is the final result of the Alliance Influence Ranking on the first day of Lost Island, i took this photo in the last 2 hours before the first day was over

then below is the development of the activities of several alliances in batch 8 from time to time on this first day:

  1. (MIR)MIR


  3. (jpn)Japanese ants

  4. (AoA)Army of Anubis


  6. (R18)R Wooo R Wooo

  7. (YNK)Yusha No Koneko

  8. (UND)Under World

22 November 2022
hello everyone this is my fifth post on Lost Island batch 8

in this post I will discuss what has happened so far based on season milestones and now it’s been one week that I’m in the competition period, and many of the alliances in batch 8 have caught wonder Lv.8 on their respective islands respectively.
well then the first one is

1. First Exploration

In this First Exploration I will not talk because I should have discussed this in the previous post because the date of the claim coincided with my previous post.
then what is open in this round are hornet, hornet are a kind of wild creatures, it’s just that they don’t exist in the search, so these hornets can be searched by simply rotating the map or in other words, they can only be searched manually and their existence is only in a few places, such as Gravel, Rocky Beach, Starfish, and Mountain then the levels that are open in this early round are only 16 and 17.

2. Solidify Cooperation

this round opens on 2022-11-17, then the feature that opens in this round is Lost Island Hatch, which in Lost Island Hatch opens ant season even though in Supreme Hatch you can get season ants too but that’s not much and there are only 9 ant season while in Lost Island Hatch the open ant season is as many as 12 season ants.

and in this round there were several events where 6 of the 8 alliances had occupied the wonders on their respective islands namely UND, IER, MIR, AKA, R18, and YNK

3. Anthill Enhancement

this round opens on 2022-11-18, then the features that are unlocked in this round are Gecko, Gecko is a kind of Lizard except that this Gecko is at Lv.35 which exceeds the highest level of the Lizard in general, where the highest level of this Lizard is at Lv.30 only and besides Gecko, in this round a higher level is unlocked for wild creatures and hornet, namely Lv.18.
Screenshot_20221122_075211~21 Screenshot_20221122_080541~21
then in this round also one of the alliances that have not yet occupied the wonder of their respective islands has finally occupied it, namely jpn

4. Monster Hunter

this round opens on 2022-11-18, in this round there are no new features that are open, only additions to the occupied ants colony solider limits, then in this round the alliance that has not yet occupied wonder finally occupies it too, namely AoA

5. Fortress

this round is open on 2022-11-21, then there are two features that are open in this round, and the first feature that is unlocked is the SXI season ant army, for now the SXI troop is the only strongest troop in this game but this SXI troop is only can only be used when on the lost island and also cannot be used on Groundhog Cave and also Pangolin even though we are on Lost Island
then the second feature that opens is Mudskipper, Mudskipper is similar to Groundhog Cave in the past, namely it requires 30 stamina for one attack but for Groundhog Cave itself at this time it no longer needs stamina for one attack, now then for a good mudskipper attack that is with damage of 20M and above to be able to get the best points and the attack on this mudskipper is done at least 10 times and a maximum of 15 times.

hello everyone this is my sixth post on Lost Island batch 8

In this post, what i will discuss are some of the continuations of the Season Milestone in the previous post first, which stage i have reached at this time and what features are currently open and i will adjust the number order in each round to the previous post to make it easier understood :slightly_smiling_face:, then next i will discuss some of the battles that have occurred at this time when in the Land of Clash.

6. Hornet Infestation

this round opens on 2022-11-22, in this round the features that are unlocked are a decrease in the number and attributes of troops in Tunnel Lv.5 and also Tunnel Lv.6, this feature works so that when we attack Tunnel Lv.5 and Lv.6 is easier, and the benefit of occupying one of these tunnels is that it will be easier for us to catch Hornets on mountains in other alliance areas because these Hornets are very hard to find if only in one area. and besides that, another benefit of occupying this tunnel is that we can enter other alliance areas by making passages in it

7. Deeper Exploration

this round opens on 2022-11-22, in this round the features that are unlocked are leveling up Gecko, Wild Creatures, and Hornet. In this feature Hornet was upgraded to Lv.19 which was previously Lv.18 and Wild Creatures were also upgraded to Lv.19 but had different durability, then Gecko was upgraded to Lv.45 which was previously Lv.35. then below is a comparison of the number and attributes of troops before and after being upgraded
the first is a comparison of Gecko Lv.35 and Gecko Lv.40, Gecko Lv.35 contains X troops without any attributes while Gecko Lv.40 contains SXI troops with attack, defense, and health attributes

then the second is the number of troops and attributes at Wild Creatures Lv.18 and Lv.19, at Wild Creatures Lv.18 it contains troops IX while at Wild Creatures Lv.19 it contains X troops, and all Wild Creatures also have troop numbers and attributes which are the same according to their respective levels such as Earwig Lv.18 and Termite Hill Lv.18 both have troop levels IX.

then the last one is a comparison of the number of troops and attributes at Hornet Lv.18 and Hornet Lv.19, at Hornet Lv.18 it contains IX troops while at Hornet Lv.19 it contains X troops, and this Hornet is different from Wild Creatures in general because it has a large number more troops than Wild Creatures in general and also has stronger attributes.

8. The Path of Conquest

this round opens on 2022-11-30, in this round the features that are unlocked are the same as the previous ones, it’s just a different level, namely a decrease in the number and attributes of troops in Tunnel Lv.7, this feature has the same function, namely to make it easier when attack Tunnel Lv.7, and the benefit of occupying this Tunnel is that we have access to enter the Land of Clash area so that we can occupy some of the Fortresses in that area and also to make it easier to catch Hornets in the Land of Clash area. and below is a comparison before reducing the number and attributes of Tunnel Lv.7 and also after reducing.
then the first is before the reduction in the number of troops and attributes in Tunnel Lv.7

and the second is when after reducing the number of troops and attributes at Tunnel Lv.7

then the battle that was discussed first was the battle at Adventurous Oasis, in this area there was a battle between AKA and R18 on the grounds that they wanted to fight over Wonder in the Adventurous Oasis area and apart from that they did have a bad relationship between these two alliances because in their season chat is always bickering and competing

then at 09:12 UTC AKA started attacking Wonder in the Adventurous Oasis area and finished at 09:49 UTC, then after they managed to occupy Wonder they immediately attacked the Alliance Tower which was being built by R18, then when i logged in again at 13:30 and then at 13:35 i checked again that the AKA war with R18 was still going on until at 16:07 UTC Wonder in the Adventurous Oasis area was successfully captured by R18

then the last battle was the battle at Fruit Wonderland, honestly i think this battle is the most tense battle so far because there are so many people participating in this battle, and this battle is a battle between jpn and IER actually i really don’t know the reason why they fighting because so far their relationship that i have seen in the season chat is fine and there is no fight, but in my opinion maybe because there was an agreement that was violated by one of the parties, because the Wonder in the Fruit Wonderland area was occupied too quickly by jpn, namely at 08:36 UTC

then when i logged in at 09:17 UTC, i immediately checked on Fruit Wonderland and there was a battle between jpn and IER when i checked here IER was trying to build an Alliance Tower for the road to Wonder then prevented by jpn and at 09:53 UTC this battle still going on, then after jpn almost won IER was assisted by MIR after MIR succeeded in occupying Residence Lv.7 and i forgot to take a screenshot here when this battle took place, then at 20:48 UTC Wonder in the Fruit Wonderland area was successfully captured by IER

then what happened to Shellfish Marsh, this wasn’t a battle but more precisely what my alliance had occupied in the Shellfish Marsh area, the first here i couldn’t participate so i couldn’t take screenshots due to personal busyness, but the second i managed to participate and my alliance is trying to occupy Residence Lv.8 and this happens when a battle in another area is taking place, namely 09:30 UTC then successfully occupied at 09:57 UTC, then at 15:12 UTC Wonder has been occupied by UND then tomorrow it was 13:00 UTC because i had made an agreement, finally Wonder in the Fruit Wonder area in the Shellfish Marsh area was successfully occupied by my alliance and finished at 13:27 UTC then after finishing my alliance immediately attacked the other Residence Lv.8 and successfully occupied at 13:42 UTC.

and maybe because i missed a lot, so here i will give the whole photo of the Land of Clash divided into three photos because there are 3 areas in the Land of Clash, as well as photos of the Influence Ranking Alliance and the Kill Ranking Alliance
Fruit Wonderland

Adventurous Oasis

Shellfish Marsh

Alliance Influence Ranking

Alliance Kill Ranking