[Record Post] S177-WoJ-Lira- Lost island Journey (Season 2)

08/20/22 – Match up Introduction

We were finally matched up with the other alliances! The group has been full of colorful players. The group we ended up with, one of the alliances AGW (previously HEL) actually has good history with the alliance WoJ. They were allies in the last Lost Island as well as a few 177 members that migrated out for a battle server. Dragonmom has been in our discord for awhile for possible migration. There is also a connection with the alliance LGF via 177 discord members.

Remember that to do list we made? Well, the discord was established for the whole season group and it has been fun chatting with everyone. Unicorn apparently is a delicacy lol. There were games added as well as different chat groups to appeal to everyone’s interests. In the leadership council talks are going on about a Nap and tree rotation to ensure everyone gets the rewards. Talks have also been made between leaders about a backup plan in case an alliance decides to break nap.

The discord has been a huge success at encouraging friendships between alliances and will share a few screenshots of random moments. Power matchup between all the alliances is fairly even. In the first 24 hours over 70 people joined and conversations have not stopped in any of the channels. Even the leadership chat has a light feel to it rather than just strictly business.

My main concern right now is that a few members from WoJ, AGW, and FKN are trying to coordinate a unicorn hunt for unicorn steaks. This is not even a joke…24 hours and counting on them trying to eat me! All the alliances have united to have a unicorn hunt. I think last week I may host a find the unicorn hunt, there are three unicorns in our grouping.

Back in just the homeland, tree rotations while we are gone have not been fully settled. There are a few alliances not going and continued talks with the rotation of those who qualified. Negotiations are in the works to settle that down and keep the peace before departure. Time is ticking down to get everything settled as entry to lost island is fast approaching.

On spot selections…we ended up in orange zone. Everyone was super-fast to pick their locations but at least we didn’t get coral…. that area is evil and cursed.

Here is to a great island adventure! May the fun continue!!!