[Record Post] S177-WoJ-Lira- Lost island Journey (Season 2)

09/03/22 – Mudskipper event

The mudskipper event lasts for 4 days and consumes 30 stamina per hit. This aligned with the pango event so it took a lot of online time for sure. To get max personal rewards you need to earn 10k points, for max alliance points you need to earn 800k points. Both lists refresh daily so it is a bit of a time crunch. It also requires max participation. Mudskipper limits each player to only 15 hits. If everyone is not attacking it you will not get max alliance buffs. We missed the last buff regularly.

A very common complaint is the is the point reward system. It caused a lack of effort due to the fact max points hit at a 20m attack. While the smaller players struggled to get max points, the average to mini whale player was severely disappointed to find that their 130m hit was rated the same. This decreased the motivation.

Several players got very angry about the lack of teamwork design in the island. The last five hits are based solely on just helping alliance. There is no player motivation to help encourage the use of the extra 150 stamina. Issues that occurred is players would rather hunt a hornet with the stamina than gain nothing. While we had others doing their best to help it adds to the frustration of over teamwork design. While my alliance is very teamwork oriented its was very detrimental to a few others on the island. It has caused rifts and internal strife that r5’s are struggling to keep a handle. Several players have even quit logging in from several alliances because they can not manage the stamina usage.

One of the issues of mudskipper is a lot harder for those who have resets in the middle of the night. This limits amount of practical attacking. If you use all the stamina before reset and sleeping, by time you awake there is several hours lost of ability to hit anything. On average its 3-4 hours lost where troops are just sitting at max stamina. So, unless alarms are set to be on top of the stamina use it becomes a disadvantage. This really adds a crunch to being able to accomplish all of the other stamina using tasks such as hornets and node leveling.

Needing to conserve stamina makes it less of a chance of players willing to gamble on taking increased nodes. 15 stamina to try and push node cap, well you can’t risk it with the need to save the stamina to get all hits in. It boiled down to mudskipper just being another task to check off. It turned something I was extremely excited for to just being an unwanted boring event. There was no actual challenge to getting max rewards and hitting the 20m. Defense or any struggle would have been a better implementation I feel to make it more interesting.

Don’t get me wrong the alliance buff that was gained is very nice and will be handy in the clash zones, especially against alliances who were not able to be team oriented. However, I feel the stamina sacrifice to not do other tasks does not balance this out. The mudskipper is one of the few times a stronger player can help a weaker by hitting max times since the buffs go to all players within the alliance.