"#MiniLifeInWild" V—— Record daily life to win rewards

minilifeinwild” V
Record daily life to win rewards

Event Rewards:

  1. Community Surprise Chest: Chests include but are not limited to creature remains, Tertiary Eggs, Kiwi Honeydew V, Spores, and Minor Cell Nucleus. Obtain randomly after opening.
  2. Exclusive Community Avatar Frame

Awards details:

  1. The official rating will be based on a single work. The grades of the works include: C-level (no reward), B-level (surprise chest1), A-level (surprise chest3), S-level (surprise chest*5).
  2. Rating dimensions include but not limited to: the quality of the work itself, the number of likes, the number of viewers, the degree of originality, etc…
  3. As long as one of your works reaches Grade A, you will receive a 7-day Exclusive Community Avatar Frame.
  4. Video works will have a greater chance of getting a better rating.

Examples of rewards:
Jerry submitted 10 works, of which 2 works are C-level, 3 works are B-level, 2 works are A-level, and 3 works are S-level, then Jerry will get 3x1+2x3+3x5 this time (a total of 24 surprise chest).

Event Deadline: January 31, 23:59:59(UTC+0)

How to Participate?
1.Take a clear video or some photos of the small animals, and you can also download the related videos or photos from the third-party platforms.
2.Post your photos or videos to our Instagram(https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/minilifeinwild/)or Official Facebook group(Redirecting...) with the hashtags minilifeinwild and #TheAnts, and @ our official Facebook or Instagram account.
3.Fill out the questionnaire (https://forms.gle/2tJu4272W4oF953Q9) with the link of your work here. Each questionnaire per link only. For each work, you need to fill out multiple questionnaires.

1.The content should be clear and comply with the terms and conditions of the related platforms.
2.Your participation in this event allows us to use your work for free without informing you by default.
3.Please make sure the in-game ID is filled in correctly. We will not resend the reward, if fail to send the reward due to incorrect in-game ID.
4. Any shooting behavior needs to be carried out under the condition of ensuring your own absolute safety.
5. We encourage you to produce original content. Any disputes caused by copyright shall be borne by the author itself
6. Event rewards will be distributed within 30 working days after the end of the event!
7. After the entry is published, its work shall not be deleted within the next two natural months