Low Tide Shore&Storage Celebration are coming together (November 27, 2023)

Low Tide Shore&Storage Celebration are coming together

The new Anthill Skin-Snake Bone Lagoon is waiting for you to redeem!
Turn over the stones or challenge the Fiddler Crab to get event points based on the rules! Use points to redeem rare items! Let’s join the event now!

:writing_hand:Share your view of this event and leave your Game ID in the comments under the post! The mysterious rewards will be sent via Mail within 15 workdays after the event ends (December 03, 23:59:59, UTC+0)

:star:Instagram Free Gift Code Hunt Event (Week of November 27th-December 3rd) Clues (1)!

Get clues by visiting the official Instagram and finding the same post.
(→TheAnts(Official) (@theants_undergroundkingdom) • Instagram photos and videos)


cool event combination

ID: 44761562

if you are f2p this events(low tide shore) will show the team work

id = 52697259

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