Lost Island Mach Up So Cruel

My alliance in 660s and we matched up 50s they are playing over one year us. I’m wondering how is working the mach up system! That is really cruel.

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Matching system depends on number of members and power
Meaning about power is ( cells,gens ,germs… evolution… .etc )
Please don’t mind the number of servers how old or how new , it doesn’t matter.

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Really, I don’t think so cause i checked their symbols they are really high from us

The problem might also be that there are a lot less alliances that signed up for your Lost Island round. A lot of them are waiting for the Barren Land opening on the 24th April. So there are only a few that sign up from the older servers. This means they have to get sorted with the stronger alliances from the higher servers.

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I see you can be right now :+1:t2:

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