Lost Island all Buildings

Credit: Saucy Luna (133)


Hello sizz!

Im participating im lost island for the first time! I was wondering what happens if i destroy alliance towers connecting to a isolated lair

Will the lair continue to give me bonuses ??

Yes as long as the lair is captured by your alliance and the enemy did not take it, you will still receive bonuses. Does not matter if there’s no tower connecting to it.

@Sizz i know this is not the post about this… but i need info about river crossing

Enemy alliance did this

After second try they could successfully cross their river

I want to try to cross too but it doesn’t let me

You can only cross the river if theres a leaf or ferry



Thanks very much!

Could you give me information about alliance tower transfer? cost? Limitations ?

Also, Current Clay system seems different from many guides, i see many post talking about not using clay for 2 days to remove limits, but other say this changed and is not the case right now

Hello @Nico1

Please let me help you with your questions.

Tower transfer

  • After the milestone has been reached, tower transfers become a thing.
  • Each alliance is allowed to transfer 1 tower owned by them IN ANY ORIGINAL ZONE.
  • If a tower is destroyed before it has been transferred, the alliance can still initiate another tower transfer.
  • If a successfully transferred tower is destroyed, a new one cannot be implemented.


Clay is accumulated hourly.

  • Lost island clay is limited to 36k / day and gives 1.5k / hr
  • Barren Land clay is limited to 48k / day and gives 2k / hr

I don’t remember the exact return requirements for a tower right now, so I can’t help with that.
But I recommend making sure it doesn’t reach 80% and doesn’t exceed two days.

I hope I could help :innocent:

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so we can only transfer position of 1 tower… i hoped that we would be able to transfer more than that :sweat_smile: … Thanks a lot for the info @loidxl

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An alliance can only be completed once with an alliance. :innocent:

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حصل خطأ ما أعتذر من الجميع

I built tower to next region and it cost 4k clay ,
my question is , does clay cost Go Back from 4k to 2k if the Wonder captured in that region?

Unfortunately no. 2k is only in your initial base

Thank you Sizz for the quick reply.

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