Jerry's Childhood Drawings

Jerry’s Childhood Drawings

While cleaning, Jerry accidentally found many drawings he drew when he was a child. Because of time, the original colors have disappeared. Come and help Jerry fill these pictures, and get back memories!

:gift: Event Rewards:
Participation rewards: 30k wet soil, 30k meat, 30k plants, 1 minute speedups x30
Qualified Reward: Community Surprise Chest1
Well-done Reward: Community Surprise Chest
Excellent Reward: Community Surprise Chest*3

:alarm_clock: Event deadline: June 3 (23:59:59, UTC+0)

:scroll: Event rules:
Select a picture from the library, color the picture according to your own ideas, and share the work in the form of a message with your own ID

Childhood Picture Drawed By Jerry - Google Drive

:pushpin::pushpin:This event is organized by the Event Team, whose members are all players and only represent their own views. The official team is not responsible for any disputes arising from this event.

The Event Team

1 Like


Thanks for the cute little linearts. It was a pleasure to participate in this event.

Would love if more were to come. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

ID: 18253865


ID :42581490



My id 59210090


این را خیلی دوست داشتم . واقعا حالم را خوب کرد . ممنون . ایده خوبی بود

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