Insect Overview

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As a universal Insect, the Atlas Beetle is really strong. Sadly though, you’re not able to gain him through most golden choice eggs, which we get through events. And while we’re able to hatch him, the chance is still 1/5.
here is a small trick which guarantees you an unlimited amount of Atlas Beetles.

Requirements for this trick:

  • 1 Atlas Beetle on highest star level possible
  • golden insects to transform
  • 0 termites :wink:


Through the option Quick Star Up only 100% Star-Ups will be carried out…
If you select two insects with different levels,
they will NEVER be combined to the next star level.
Your Atlas Beetle needs to be on the higher level,
this way it will be automatically selected.
Both insects will be transformed into Atlas Beetles for 0 termites,
even though no star up happened.

NEW β€” 23.03.2023
We gained a new violet insect through the 2nd Anniversary Celebration. Since we’re not able to hatch it through eggs, and only receive it in events, it’s important to gain additional ones. It replaces Grapevine Beetle as helper for Atlas Beetle.
It’s confirmed that you can use the same transformation trick to gain additional Soapberry Bugs.


English Screenshots will come soon…

Possible Result: