Ini game pay to win

Jika free player harus nebeng sama yang pay to win.
Karena bisa mengcover kita
Awal game para pemain free masih bisa bersaing
Tapi saat event migrasi dimulai
Para pemain free player pasti dibantai

Pemain free perlu pelindung
Atau selalu lari ke server lemah

I feel personally f2p has a good chance even in end game. However it is more important to do colony actions and svs to keep up with p2w players.

Reinforcement, strategy in battle, and teamwork become more needed as well if the alliance is majority f2p.

Moving to a weaker server is not necessary either, but nap rules and server rules will play a factor in this. For instance my server is full nap, all active players safe no matter strength. There are several whales with new insects and ants. It’s all on the mind set.


True, I was f2p and played for 295 days. I’m one of the 100 strongest on my server. But it happened because rich players protected me in the first place

F2p player need time for grow up

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strategy over money, if its come to pvp there always chance to annoy those spender, theehehehe…

if you were f2p, this game is still f2p friendly compare to many other game out there, trust me.

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Gak ngerti cara mainnya masih pemula

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