If you were the alliance leader(R5), would you demote Jerry to R0?

If you were the alliance leader(R5), would you demote Jerry to R0? :hear_no_evil:
:+1: No
:laughing: Yes

:writing_hand: Leave a comment with your answer and include your ID. We will issue a mysterious reward :gift: to you within 15 working days after the deadline of this topic on July 1, 2024, 23:59:59 (UTC time).


:rofl:Yes of course

Id 69988535

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:+1: No: Some players are busy and they cannot join the battle some days. They just online to make some tasks and off. So R5 have to sympathize for them.
ID 60809966

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:+1: No

ID: 56710996

No, I would have to know if Jerry was unable to help or just unwilling

Iā€™d : 73456551

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:+1: No

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:laughing: Yes
ID: 40881359


Yes! :laughing:
Id 33551098

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