Friday is finally here! (May 3, 2024)

:fire:Weekly Gift Code: QU2C2BO3H7 (2000 copies only, first come first served, official website only)
Redemption Link: The Ants

Friday is finally here! The weekend is not far away, does that mean you are free again?
:+1:I work on weekends
:heart:I have weekends off

:writing_hand:Share your view of the event and leave your Game ID in the comments under the post! The mysterious rewards will be sent via Mail within 15 workdays after the event ends (May-09-2024, 23:59:59, UTC+0)


I work on weekends



In some countries, the weekend shuffle is real
while some are unwinding, others are winding up their work sleeves!
And let’s not forget, when the rest of the world hits snooze on their alarms, you’re already seizing the day.
In my country, Saturdays and Sundays are just normal days of the week, Friday alone is the champion of rest and relaxation. It’s the day when the hustle and bustle of the city stops and the silence is so deep you can hear a pin drop.

ID : 42581490



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I work on weekends
id 72807486

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:heart_decoration: 72648485
Tengo los fines de semana libre

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:heart: I have weekends off


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:heart:I have weekends off
ID: 49110913

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:heart:I have weekends off

ID : 73838141

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برای اهر هفته خوبی ارزو میکنم. Id 72608033

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I have the weekends off (most of the time)

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:+1:I work on weekends
ID: 40881359

Я тоже работаю по выходным
ID 11055230

هیچ زمانی کد تخفیف کار نمیکند id 72608033

:+1:I work on weekends

ID: 19449542

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:+1:work on weekends


It depends on the week

ID : 44761562

I work also on weekends and have 7 days work weeks.


:+1:I work on weekends

:heart:i have weekend off


Worke one weakends
