Darkstar s10 Looking for active players

#10(DRK) DarkStar
Is recruiting active members to participate in our island adventures. DRK is chill clan with helpful and experienced players. We are a mostly english speaking clan, but we do have a small group of German speaking teamates. DRK active times are at 00:00 - 8:00 UTC. We are currently still on an island for 1 more day. Thank you for the consideration and we hope to see you soon. Message me on discord - mistagrim.


  • Ant Hill 80Mill+
  • Nap with the entire server #10
    *Can attack clanless Anthill on #10
    *Be active on island 00:00 - 8:00 UTC
    *Port away from Pangolin after you finished your hits, it allows others to get close for their hits.
    *If attacked its free game on that Anthill.
  • On the island building towers and fighting takes precedent over killing lizards/bugs.
    *Fill rallies designated by R5/Officers first and then solo hit if none are available.
    *Be able to use Discord.

@Mistagrim thank you for using forum platform, glad to see you here .

Please enjoy your stay and wish you good luck with your recruitment


Finally off the island and still looking for more teamates. Message me on discord (mistagrim.) if interested. Heading to the vast jungle next.

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