#10(DRK) DarkStar
Is recruiting active members to participate in our island adventures. DRK is chill clan with helpful and experienced players. We are a mostly english speaking clan, but we do have a small group of German speaking teamates. DRK active times are at 00:00 - 8:00 UTC. We are currently still on an island for 1 more day. Thank you for the consideration and we hope to see you soon. Message me on discord - mistagrim.
- Ant Hill 80Mill+
- Nap with the entire server #10
*Can attack clanless Anthill on #10
*Be active on island 00:00 - 8:00 UTC
*Port away from Pangolin after you finished your hits, it allows others to get close for their hits.
*If attacked its free game on that Anthill. - On the island building towers and fighting takes precedent over killing lizards/bugs.
*Fill rallies designated by R5/Officers first and then solo hit if none are available.
*Be able to use Discord.