Concerns about Active Rewards system

Hay guys I really need help, so this new reward that is currently up, I have a concern I been getting daily tasks completed all the way to 500 points each day, I’ve been working hard to make the goal to acquire the ‘Active Rewards’ gift.

The reward I selected is ‘Devil Flower’
Unfortunately last night an emergency happened in my life that required my attention and I was only able to get to 420 daily reward points, so I missed the last Accumulative Active coins that is rewarded with Daily reward 500, so now I’m missing 10 points from yesterday, Including today’s daily active rewards that I have collected I have a total of 670/1,500

Does this mean I have lost my chance to get devil flower? I don’t know how long this Active reward program is going to last…

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Hello @Jenix

First of all, it’s nice to see you here. Welcome to The ants forum community. :innocent:

You don’t need to worry about this issue. Once you complete the required objective you will get the rewards.

Let me explain to you the logic of coins in general.

1. Complete daily tasks to collect Active Coins and obtain valuable rewards.
2. In each stage, there is a final reward, and when you reach the limit of the current stage’s
progress, you can unlock the rewards for the next stage.
*Special Note:
If the accumulated Active Coins for the current stage have reached the limit and the rewards for the next stage are still not available, you will not earn additional Active Coins from daily tasks during this time.
If the accumulated Active Coins for the current stage have reached the limit and the rewards for the next stage are already available, any subsequent Active Coins earned will be carried over to the rewards for the next stage.

Just getting this much time on each task on a daily basis is an excellent achievement. So you don’t have to worry


Has anyone reached the next leve!? Wondering what the rewards are like.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Tägliche Aktivitäten - Belohnung

Is there a deadline for the current stage? I have a friend who is going for 1285 and doesn’t know if he will reach the final reward