Alliance server 1345 Lost Island recruitment

I know all say they are friendly and nice… so are we, we help each other and we are second alliance in our serve. For many of us is the first time in Lost Island so we are very excited to go. We need active players between level 25-22 with t8 soldier ants to come to island with us. We need 10 players to complete us.


Hello @Tixeis_EM_WM! :wave::blush:

Thank you for using our platform and good luck with recruiting! It’s great to see your enthusiasm and teamwork as you prepare for Lost Island.

Your alliance sounds like a fantastic group, and we’re sure you’ll attract active players who are ready to contribute and grow alongside you. :muscle::ant:

Best of luck on Lost Island! :desert_island::sparkles:

Best regards,
Moderation Team

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