What role does a mother play in our lives?

:heart: Unconditional love
:thumbsup: Life skills
:laughing: A complete family
:open_mouth: Precious life
A lot of other things.


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:heart_decoration: :kissing_heart: :laughing: :+1:
72648485 todas son esenciales

All of it :slight_smile:


Unconditional love

ID: 73802815

73617407: ID

Precious life-

A mother is the heart of community when it cares for her womb. Whether it is kinship brothers who drum different rhythms or faE sisters of kinship who help care. Care for a mother during birth is part of maturing initiations for many members of a community. The sounds, phrases and other elements each contributes could be important. They not only give meaning to ceremony, but a root to the childโ€™s subconscious experience. Thus allowing for importance that is as important to teaching sacred and sacrifice for a child to learn to let go of attachments for the sake of the spirit of life*.

When a motherโ€™s womb is cared for, her rite of passage is the heart beat of community.

*(like trade of woods and the cutting of a precious tree)

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