Special Ant Mutations

Unlocking Conditions

Once your Queen reaches Lv. 25 and the Mutations Pool has been built.

Description of Mutations

  1. The Mutation Slot can be unlocked after you have a certain number and level of Special Ants / Mutation Abilities. There are currently 12 different Mutations available. Assigned Mutations apply their corresponding attributes to that specific Special Ant squad / troop line.
  2. The maximum level of each Mutations Slot is Lv. 60!
    Quality is divided into Green, Blue, Purple, Orange
Level 1 - 19 Level 20 - 34 Level 35 - 49 Level 50 - 60
Angriff Angriff_blau Angriff_lila Angriff_gold
  1. If your Special Ant is in a troop, outside your hill, you can’t place her into a Mutations Slot. The Mutation cannot be changed, removed or levelled up either.
  2. Only Orange Combat-Type Special Ants can be added to the Mutation Slots!
  3. Combat Bonus Attributes will take effect in all battles, except the Duel of Special Ants!
  4. Your hill power will be increased, if your mutations are assigned to Special Ants. Otherwise, their power won’t be added to your hill power.

Power per Mutation Level

Mutation Slot Upgrade

The initial level of each Mutations Slot if Level 1, after it’s been unlocked.
You can upgrade them by consumption of:

Spores, Orange Shells / any Special Ant Shells and Supreme Spores.

Mutation Upgrade Costs

Mutation Upgrade Boost

Mutation Changes and Requirements

How to get Supreme Spores:

  1. Purchase them with Diamonds in VIP Store on Saturday / Sunday
  2. Get it through purchasing pa

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