[Record Post] S410 DSU, Death Squad United, Sizz (Barren Land)

Blue Camp End Rewards Agreement

We asked our Allies to propose whats the best end rewards for each of their alliance, which alliance holds the tree, which alliance gets the uncaptured fortresses for first rewards.

11 V Suggestion

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We had also a “Gentlemens Agreement” that
we will not first capture anything on our side before we have a 3 way agreement.

We said we would help secure first capture of the residence level 8 from TBB and make sure that no one takes it before we have a agreement.
We have a common understanding and agreement that there is a gentleman agreement and that nothing more will be captured before agreed on.

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DSU proposed

DSU Counsellor suggested:

After counting all first captures Its most fair This Way because 11V didnt have a chance to capture a lot.

Dsu gets Tree and The lairs from tbb and Blocks tunnel with our allies and nik gets a residence 8 to The right and 11V gets rest.

His opinion Was based on captured and residence 8 captures and first captures.




Ferry 4 - 3
Lair 3 - 1
Lair 4 - 2
Lair 5 - 2
Lair 6 - 1
Residence 7 - 4
Residence 8 - 1
Tunnel 6 - 1
Tunnel 7 - 2
Tunnel 8 - 1
Tunnel 9 - 2
19 captures +res 8


Ferry 4 - 6
Ferry 6 - 1
Lair 3 - 1
Lair 4 - 7
Lair 5 - 8
Lair 6 - 2
Lair 7 - 1
Residence 6 - 3
Residence 7 - 1
Residence 8 - 2
Tunnel 6 - 1
Tunnel 7 - 1
32 captures +2 residence 8

Ferry 4 - 8
Lair 3 - 2
Lair 4 - 7
Lair 5 - 3
Lair 6 - 4
Lair 7 - 2
Residence 5 - 1
Residence 7 - 1
Residence 8 - 1
Tunnel 6 - 1
Tunnel 8 - 1
Tunnel 9 - 1
31 captures + 1 residence 8


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