Arrival Day
Landing on Island on Build Day has always seemed awkward to me. It makes sense from a warzone calendar point of view, but it feels slightly off. It’s the one Warzone day where very few people can participate; most of us finished all possible buildings long ago. In fact, one of the things we like about going to Island is the ability to build again. Which makes landing on Building Day strange; we haven’t had time to get any resin, so it feels like we’re starting out on the wrong foot.
It’s also the most awkward day to manage stamina, timing, and class. Since Gathering Day is the next day, we want to get our gatherers out as soon as possible. But there’s nodes to take, towers to build, and fortresses to capture. There’s also the choice of raider vs. cultivator. I want to be cultivator for gathering, but I’m not quite strong enough to take a level 7 node as a cultivator; I need to be raider. Fortunately, I’ve stockpiled some cell materials, so I should be able to make up any gathering shortfall.