🗺️ Race of Champions - The Barren Land-Formal Edition S1 Map 📍[ multiple language versions📜 ]

:bangbang:The big tree is not put in because there is no space (this is normal) :bangbang:

Simple Big Picture(1)   HD   :inbox_tray:  LOW  :inbox_tray:   Line1   :inbox_tray:   Line2   :inbox_tray:

Source :rocket:   Download :inbox_tray:

Marker diagram HD :inbox_tray: LOW :inbox_tray:

TCH-繁體中文… 高清 :inbox_tray: 壓縮 :inbox_tray:

SCH-簡體中文… 高清 :inbox_tray: 压缩 :inbox_tray:

EN-English… HD :inbox_tray: LOW :inbox_tray:

KR-한국어… 양질의 :inbox_tray: 저품질 :inbox_tray:

DE-Deutsch… hochwertig :inbox_tray: geringe Qualität :inbox_tray:

RU-ру́сский язы́к… высокого качества :inbox_tray: низкое качество :inbox_tray:

JP-にほんご… 高品質 :inbox_tray: 低品質 :inbox_tray:

FR-Français… haute qualité :inbox_tray: basse qualité :inbox_tray:

TH-ราชอาณาจักรไทย… คุณภาพสูง :inbox_tray: คุณภาพต่ำ :inbox_tray:

ES-español… alta definición :inbox_tray: compresión :inbox_tray:

IT-Italiano… HD :inbox_tray: LOW :inbox_tray:

If you need the beta map of the lost island, you can click :rocket:
If you need the official version of Lost Island S1 (S2), you can click :rocket:
If you want to view the files available for download this time, please click :rocket:
If you want to find me, you can search ಥ π ಥ#0065 on DISCORD

If you have a map error report, please click here :outbox_tray:
Updated Time
Map making begins 2023-04-12T16:00:00Z2023-04-17T16:00:00Z

            Map Ownership and Actual Content
     According to the official final explanation
           This article is for reference only
