Insect Overview

With insects there are two main groups:

Combat and Development Insects

The combat insects can be placed in your troops and support them through their unlocked stats and skills. They’re split in another two under groups for players, since some of them aren’t as easy to get as others.

Normal and Event Insects

The normal ones can be hatched by chance through the Insect Nests and also exchanged for through Insect Shells. If you want an Event Insect though, you need to invest money into the game. They can be bought through the different Event Shops. The order is completely random.

Normal Insects - Updated: 11.03.2023

Event Insects - Updated: 20.03.2023
Important: Godzilla also belongs in the category Event Insects. Unlike others though, The Ants announced that this event was a single release and players won’t be able to get it’s contents anymore due to legal issues.